Insertion of a P{GS} element at +101bp (relative to the transcription start site).
lethal, with Scer\GAL429BD
lethal, with Scer\GAL4c355
lethal, with Scer\GAL4hs.2sev
partially lethal - majority die, with Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
visible, with Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
tarsal segment, with Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
Flies expressing P{GS}homerGS2048A under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 show semi-lethality and have deformed tarsi.
FlyBase curator comment: This allele symbol changed (ie. the 'A' suffix removed) because the associated insertion (FBti0013467) symbol has been changed.
FlyBase curator comment: This allele symbol changed (ie. the 'A' suffix removed) because the associated insertion (FBti0013467) symbol has been changed.