Rearrangement within the Su(dx) coding region.
rearrangement detected in PstI fragment;position of restriction fragment on reference sequence inferred by FlyBase curator
Shows a recessive forked cross-vein phenotype at 25oC. Heterozygotes with Df(2L)Su(dx)-7 eclose at 29oC with a wing vein gap phenotype.
Su(dx)[+]/Su(dx)32 is an enhancer of chemical sensitive | adult stage phenotype of Otud6C183A
Su(dx)[+]/Su(dx)32 is an enhancer of increased mortality | adult stage phenotype of Otud6C183A
Su(dx)56/Su(dx)32 is a suppressor of germarium cap cell | increased number phenotype of pydex147
Nnd-1, Su(dx)32 has wing vein L2 phenotype
Nnd-1, Su(dx)32 has wing vein L5 phenotype
Nnd-1, Su(dx)32 has wing vein L3 phenotype
Nnd-1, Su(dx)32 has wing vein L4 phenotype
Separable from: a second site temperature-dependent lethality.