Mutation is in the CRIB domain.
Amino acid replacement: R113term.
R113term | Pak-PA; R113term | Pak-PB; R113term | Pak-PC; R113term | Pak-PE; R113term | Pak-PF; R113term | Pak-PG; R113term | Pak-PH; R113term | Pak-PI; R113term | Pak-PJ
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
abnormal neuroanatomy | pupal stage (with Pak4)
adult antennal nerve | P-stage (with Pak4)
antennal lobe (with Pak4)
antennal lobe (with Pak11)
antennal lobe & neuropil (with Pak11)
Bolwig nerve (with Pak11)
glial cell & antennal lobe (with Pak11)
growth cone (with Pak10)
medulla anlage (with Pak10)
neuron & antennal lobe (with Pak11)
photoreceptor cell & axon
Pak6/+ flies do not exhibit a significantly increased pacing-induced heart failure rate or arrhythmia, do not have significantly different diastolic or systolic intervals, nor any significant disruption in cellular architecture of cardiomyocytes as compared to controls.
Pak6/Df(3R)WIN11 mutants exhibit a decrease in synaptic quantal size compared to Df(3R)WIN11/+. There is no difference in quantal content between Pak6/Df(3R)WIN11 and Df(3R)WIN11/+ mutants.
In Pak11/Pak6 adults the antennal lobes are small and mis-shapen compared to wild-type, and have amorphous neuropil. Antennal glomeruli DM2 and DM3 are severely mis-shapen or split into smaller structures that are scattered randomly around the antennal lobe. The integrity and position of VA11m is unaffected, but it is enlarged and extends into the domains of surrounding glomeruli, in most cases completely engulfing the adjacent VA1d. Projection neurons and glial cells differentiate normally in antennal lobes of the mutants, but dendritic arborization of the projection neurons is more diffuse than in wild-type, and the number of glial processes is somewhat reduced. The development of neurons within the antennae appears normal. In Pak6/Pak4 homozygous pupae 30 hours after puparium formation (hAPF) the pattern of olfactory neurons projections from the antennae is normal. However, once in the antennal lobe, the axonal trajectories are clearly abnormal: instead of forming characteristic tracks, the fibers interweave to form a dense mat.
Adult escapers are uncoordinated and have crumpled wings but are otherwise wild type in appearance. R cell axons extend into the brain normally in Pak6/Pak11 flies. However these fibres do not spread evenly within the lamina and medulla. As a result some regions are hyperinnervated while others lack innervation. In the medulla neuropil, R cell axons fail to find their proper targets but instead terminate as abnormally thick, blunt ended fascicles. A small fraction of the R2-R5 neurons project through the lamina and into the medulla, indicating a modest disruption in ganglion target specificity. Some R1 to R6 axons fail to stop in the lamina, resulting in gaps in the lamina plexus. In addition, R cell axons form abnormally thick bundles between the lamina and medulla. Pak6/Pak11 mutant ommatidia are largely indistinguishable from wild-type, of 898 ommatidia counted in four Pak mutant eyes, only nine ommatidia lacked a single R cell. R cell morphology is normal, as is lamina neuron and glial cell differentiation.
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a non-enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of PsGEFΔ21
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of dbohenji-1/dbohenji-8
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a suppressor | partially of lethal | larval stage phenotype of Df(3L)1226/kst2
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a suppressor | partially of lethal | larval stage phenotype of kstB1-14.1/kst2
Pak11/Pak6 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Cdc42V12.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
GluRIIASP16, Pak3/Pak6 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype
GluRIIASP16, Pak[+]/Pak6 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype
GluRIIA[+]/GluRIIASP16, Pak6 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype
Pak6 has Bolwig nerve phenotype, enhanceable by Dscam105518
Pak6 is an enhancer of Bolwig nerve phenotype of Dscam105518
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a non-enhancer of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of PsGEFΔ21
Pak6 is a non-enhancer of photoreceptor cell | precursor & nucleus phenotype of Scer\GAL4unspecified, msnDN.UAS
Pak6 is a non-enhancer of amnioserosa phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4hs.PB
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a suppressor of bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of dbohenji-1/dbohenji-8
Pak[+]/Pak6 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage phenotype of dbohenji-1/dbohenji-8
Pak6 is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4hs.PB
Pak6 is a non-suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4hs.PB
Pak11/Pak6 is a non-suppressor of larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype of Cdc42V12.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Cdc423, Pak[+]/Pak6 has adult heart phenotype
Cdc423, Pak[+]/Pak6 has cardial cell phenotype
Pak[+]/Pak6, bnl00857 has tracheal branch primordium phenotype
Pak[+]/Pak6, bnl00857 has dorsal group tracheal branch precursor phenotype
Pak[+]/Pak6, bnl00857 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype
Pak6, bnl[+]/bnl00857 has tracheal branch primordium phenotype
Pak6, bnl[+]/bnl00857 has dorsal group tracheal branch precursor phenotype
Pak6, bnl[+]/bnl00857 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype
Pak6, bnl00857 has tracheal branch primordium phenotype
Pak6, bnl00857 has dorsal group tracheal branch precursor phenotype
Pak6, bnl00857 has tracheal dorsal trunk primordium phenotype
Pak6/+ fully suppresses the increased satellite bouton phenotype seen in dbohenji-1/dbohenji-8 mutant larval neuromuscular junctions.
More kst2/Df(3L)1226 mutant larvae that are also heterozygous for Pak6 survive into pupal stages and beyond than kst2/Df(3L)1226 controls.
More kst2/kstB1-14.1 mutant larvae that are also heterozygous for Pak6 survive into pupal stages and beyond than kst2/Df(3L)1226 controls.
0% of animals expressing msnDN.Scer\UAS in the developing eye, combined with Pak6/+ exhibit a R-cell nuclear migration phenotype.
Pak6/+ ; GluRIIASP16/+ mutants do not exhibit a statistically significant decrease in synaptic quantal size compared to wild-type. GluRIIASP16; Pak6/+ mutants exhibit a statistically significant decrease in synaptic quantal size compared to wild-type. GluRIIASP16; Pak6/+ mutants exhibit a significant increase in quantal content compared to controls, indicating homeostatic compensation. GluRIIASP16; Pak6/Pak3 mutants exhibit a statistically significant decrease in synaptic quantal size compared to wild-type. This is a statistically significant decrease compared to GluRIIASP16. GluRIIASP16; Pak6/Pak3 mutants exhibit a significant increase in quantal content compared to controls, indicating homeostatic compensation.
Pak6; bnl00857 double heterozygotes have a range of tracheal phenotypes not seen in single heterozygotes for either of these alleles: The mildest phenotype is a misrouting of the dorsal branches toward the anteroposterior direction; more severely effected embryos also exhibit truncations of the dorsal trunk.
The axon guidance defects seen in Cdc42V12.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC; Scer\GAL4elav.PLu embryos are unaffected by the background Pak6/Pak11.
About 38% of Dscam05518/Pak6 embryos exhibit some Bolwig's nerve targeting defects.
Pak11/Pak6 is partially rescued by PakUAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4SG18.1
Pak11/Pak6 is not rescued by PakH91L.H94L.GMR
Pak11/Pak6 is not rescued by PakK459A.GMR
Scer\GAL4SG18.1; PakScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC (gives expression in olfactory neurons, but not in the brain) rescues the development of most glomeruli in Pak11/Pak6 flies.