denticle | ectopic, with Scer\GAL4wg.PM
filamentous actin & embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | ectopic, with Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1
filamentous actin & embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | ectopic | somatic clone, with Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
When ovoScer\UAS.cPa is expressed in the prospective smooth cells of embryos, by induction of clones under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI, ectopic actin-based protrusions are formed within these cells. However, unlike in denticle cells where these protrusions normally occur, ectopic protrusions are in smooth cells are not preferentially localized to the posterior edge of cells. This phenotype is also seen when ovoScer\UAS.cPa is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1.
ovoScer\UAS.cPa driven by Scer\GAL4en-e16E induces the formation of an extra row of denticles in anterior en expressing cells. The morphology of denticles normally present in the posterior en expressing cells is unaffected by ovo overexpression. Expression of ovoScer\UAS.cPa driven by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 in a ovosvb-2 background also produces ectopic denticles. Expression of ovoScer\UAS.cPa by Scer\GAL4wg.PM produces denticles in wg expressing cells.
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor of embryonic epidermis phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4e22c
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4e22c
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic epidermis phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
ovoUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor of embryonic epidermis phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC
ovoUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC
Expression of ovoScer\UAS.cPa in naked cuticle driven by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 produces ectopic denticles, but does not affect the normal denticle rows. Uniform expression of ovoScer\UAS.cPa in a armS10.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC, Scer\GAL4e22c background restores denticle formation, suppressing the naked cuticle phenotype caused by ectopic armS10.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC expression. Co-expression of EgfrDN.Scer\UAS and ovoD1.Scer\UAS driven by Scer\GAL4e22c or Scer\GAL469B suppresses the loss of denticle belt phenotype seen by ubiquitous expression of EgfrDN.Scer\UAS alone.