Deletion removing portion of Eip78C transcription unit, extending proximally from site of P{PZ}Eip78C06913, and deleting AcCoAS and ppl sequences.
In contrast to wild-type controls, mutant larvae tend to wander away from a food source.
Food remains in the pharynx of mutant animals and does not move from the pharynx into the esophagus. This feeding defect starts late in the first larval instar. The mutant phenotype has a progressive onset, and the larvae vary in size, probably reflecting the variation in time when food ceases to move to the midgut. Larvae do not show a typical starvation behavioral response, but wander away from the food. Physiological response to starvation is also abnormal.
Mutants show a show a defect in food intake and die as small larvae. The larvae feed normally upon hatching, however, during the late first instar stage they begin having difficulty in passing the food from the pharynx into the oesophagus. Soon afterwards, the larvae leave the food source and start moving about.
Null allele.