cherEPSΔ5/Df(3R)Exel6176 transheterozygotes model myopathy.
germarium region 2b & interfollicle cell
cherEPSΔ5/Df(3R)Exel6176 transheterozygotes cannot sustain flight, since high frequency wing beat is only sustained for a few seconds, as compared to wild-type and cherEPSΔ5 heterozygous controls. These mutants exhibit a moderate but significant decrease in the number of recognizable sarcomeres in adult indirect flight muscles, associated with widened or smaller/fractured Z-disc and actin incorporation into the H-zone, as compared to wild-type and cherEPSΔ5 heterozygous controls.
cherEPSΔ5 homozygotes exhibit a low frequency of abnormal actin accumulation at the H-zone of adult indirect flight muscle sarcomeres.
cherEPSΔ5 homozygous embryos display increased frequency of defasciculation defects in axons of the intersegmental nerve b (ISNb), segmental nerve as well as intersegmental nerve (no obvious defects in the morphology and development of ventrolateral muscles are observed). cherEPSΔ5 heterozygotes do not show any ISNb defects.
cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 mutants do not display any gross morphological defects of the mushroom body, and neither cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 nor cherEPSΔ5/+ mutants display any defects in sensorimotor responses (shock reactivity, octanol avoidance, and methylcyclohexanol avoidance) as compared to wild type.
cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 mutants display defective memory 1 day and 4 days after spaced training, but not 1-day after massed training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning context, and cherEPSΔ5/+ mutants do not display memory defects, as compared to wild type.
cherEPSΔ5/cherjoy mutants do not display defects in memory 1 day after spaced training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning context.
cherEPSΔ5 homozygous females show ovary defects of very variable severity. While some ovaries in these animals look quite normal, others are grossly abnormal. About half the egg chambers in these flies contain 2 oocytes and 30 ring canals, probably as a result of fusion of 2 chambers. This may result from disruption of morphogenesis of the interfollicular stalk: Inwardly migrating follicle cells in germarium region 2b that normally make the stalk often fail to maintain stable apical contacts between each other. Instead of intercalating to form a cohesive stalk, they make a highly disorganized follicular epithelium. However, follicle cell apicobasal polarity is not directly affected. In over 80% of mutant egg chambers that reach stage 10, the border cell migration is delayed compared to wild-type, on average (n = 28) migrating only 57% of the distance to the oocyte by the stage wild-type border cells have reached it. Migration is clearly not stalled, as the border cells do eventually reach the oocyte at later stages.
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
cherEPSΔ5, sls[+]/slsj1D7 has abnormal flight phenotype
Fmr1B55/Fmr1[+], cherEPSΔ5 has abnormal memory phenotype
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of sarcomere | adult stage phenotype of Df(3R)Exel6176/+, slsZCL2144
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of H zone | adult stage phenotype of Df(3R)Exel6176/+, slsZCL2144
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of indirect flight muscle cell | adult stage phenotype of Df(3R)Exel6176/+, slsZCL2144
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
cherEPSΔ5/cher[+] is an enhancer of axon | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5 is an enhancer of axon | embryonic stage phenotype of Sema1ak13702
Act88F6, cherEPSΔ5 has sarcomere | adult stage phenotype
Act88F6, cherEPSΔ5 has indirect flight muscle cell | adult stage phenotype
cherEPSΔ5, slsj1D7 double heterozygotes exhibit flight defects, since high frequency wing beat is only sustained for a few seconds, but do not exhibit any obvious sarcomere defects, as compared to wild-type and single heterozygous controls. cherEPSΔ5, Act88F6 double heterozygotes frequently present myofibrils that are too frayed to distinguish individual sarcomeres, as compared to the corresponding single heterozygous controls.
Heterozygosity for cherEPSΔ5 enhances the abnormal accumulation of actin in the H-zone of adult indirect flight muscles observed in slsZCL2144, Df(3R)Exel6176 double heterozygotes.
The moderate guidance defects observed in intersegmental nerve b motor axons of Sema1ak13702 heterozygous embryos are exacerbated by combination with a single copy of cherEPSΔ5 but the very strong defects observed in Sema1ak13702 homozygotes cannot be worsened further by cherEPSΔ5 homozygosity.
cherEPSΔ5/+; Fmr1B55/+ double heterozygotes display defective memory 1 day and 4 days after spaced training, but not 1 day after massed training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning context, but do not display any defects in sensorimotor responses (shock reactivity, octanol avoidance, and methylcyclohexanol avoidance) as compared to wild type.
cherEPSΔ5 is partially rescued by cherlong.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
cherEPSΔ5 is partially rescued by cherlong.UAS/Scer\GAL4VGlut1-OK371
cherEPSΔ5 is partially rescued by cherlong.UAS/Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
cherEPSΔ5 is partially rescued by cherhsp70.PS
Expression of cherlong.Scer\UAS under the control of any of the following: Scer\GAL4sca-537.4, Scer\GAL4VGlut-OK371 and Scer\GAL4elav.PLu significantly improves the axon guidance defects observed in intersegmental nerve b motor axons of cherEPSΔ5 mutant embryos.
Female sterile in combination with chersko.