MARCM-mediated expression of lola3.8.Scer\UAS, using Scer\GAL4GH146, in neuroblasts or single cell clones does not result in detectable defects.
MARCM clones simultaneously mutant for lolae76 and lola3.8.Scer\UAS, induced using Scer\GAL4GH146, exhibit: i) cell loss and lack of dendritic extensions in adPN and lPN neuroblast clones; ii) a strong reduction of VA1lm and DA1 targeting in vPN clones, with the pan-AL neuron often showing little dendritic process elaboration and only rare innervation of much of the AL.
DL1 MARCM clones simultaneously mutant for lolae76 and lola3.8.Scer\UAS, induced using Scer\GAL4GH146 are variable, with half appearing normal . Axonal defects range from a failure to extend or elaborate branches in the LH to an increase in ectopic branching.
Overexpression of the lola 3.8 isoform, in lola3.8.Scer\UAS produces no detectable phenotype.
lola3.8.UAS/Scer\GAL4GH146 fails to rescue lolae76