fertile (with Trxr1G0477)
Trxr-1G0481 homozygotes are lethal, pupae are elongated and third instar larvae present no obvious muscle phenotype, as compared to controls.
Homozygotes survive to the third larval instar, with 75% developing into pupae with 1 day of delay. About 20% eclose as normal looking adults, most of which die within 2-3 days of eclosion.
About 75% of hemizygotes dies as normal looking pharate adults or during eclosion. The life span of those flies that do eclose is severely reduced.
Trxr1G0481 has lethal | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Sod1n1/Sod[+]
Trxr1G0481 has lethal | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Catn1/Cat[+]
Trxr1G0481 has lethal | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\SOD1UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
Trxr1G0481 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible | partially by CatUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
Trxr1G0481/Trxr-1[+] is an enhancer of eye phenotype of cathD1
A Trxr-1G0481 mutant background enhances by more than 10-fold the level of vacuolar change in cathD1 mutant retina.
Trxr1G0481 is rescued by Trxr1cyto.UAS/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
Trxr1G0481 is rescued by Trxr1cyto.UAS/Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI
Trxr1G0481 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI/Trxr1mito.UAS
P{lacW} not verified as causing the lethality.
The mutant phenotype can be reverted by excision of the P{lacW}Trxr-1G0481 insertion.