Expression of knScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU results in severely disrupted ommatidial patterning in the pupal eye.
Overexpression of knScer\UAS.cMa in class I da neurons (using MARCM and Scer\GAL421-7) results in a significant increase in total dendrite length.
Ectopic expression of knScer\UAS.cMa (under the control of Scer\GAL4221) significantly increases the number of dendrite termini by 19%, total arbor length by 46%, and arbor area by 18%. In class I neurons expressing knScer\UAS.cMa, the extra length of dendrite is preferentially concentrated in the last segments of the dendritic arbor.
Ectopic expression of knScer\UAS.cMa (under the control of Scer\GAL4smid-C161) in class II neurons results in a large increase in dendritic arbor complexity in third instar larvae. In the same way, ectopic knScer\UAS.cMa expression increases class III neuron (v'pda) total arbor length by 19%. The number of filopodia/spikes, defined as very thin and short lateral projections from the main dendrite trunk, is highly reduced.
Ectopic expression of knScer\UAS.cMa (under the control of Scer\GAL4109(2)80) in class IV neurons results in a strong reduction in the number of filopodia/spikes in a 75υm radius around the cell body to 23% of wild-type levels.
Expression of knScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 results in wings lacking vein 3, the distal portion of vein 4 and the proximal portion of vein 5. Vein 2, the proximal part of vein 4 and the distal part of vein 5 are diffuse, wide and plexate. Expression of knScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 often results in the disruption of wing vein 3; the distal portion is disrupted and shifted anteriorly, meeting the wing margin considerably anterior to the posterior-most socketed bristle (in contrast to wild type, where most socketed bristles are anterior to vein 3). The distance from vein 4 to the posterior-most socketed bristle is unchanged from wild type.
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by ctUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL421-7, knUAS.cMa has abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dar13010
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by spasRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4221
knUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4221 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Scer\GAL4221, ctUAS.cPa
knUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL421-7 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of dar13010
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa, spasRNAi.UAS has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has larval multidendritic class I neuron phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has dendrite phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has larval multidendritic class I neuron phenotype, enhanceable by ctUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has dendrite phenotype, enhanceable by ctUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL421-7, knUAS.cMa has dendritic arborizing neuron | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by dar13010
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has larval multidendritic class I neuron phenotype, suppressible by spasRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4221
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa has dendrite phenotype, suppressible by spasRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4221
knUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4221 is an enhancer of larval multidendritic class I neuron phenotype of Scer\GAL4221, ctUAS.cPa
knUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4221 is an enhancer of dendrite phenotype of Scer\GAL4221, ctUAS.cPa
knUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4bi-md653 is a suppressor of wing cell phenotype of Rbfox1RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4bi-md653
knUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL421-7 is a non-suppressor of dendritic arborizing neuron phenotype of dar13010
Rbfox1RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4bi-md653, knUAS.cMa has wing vein phenotype
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa, spasRNAi.UAS has dendrite phenotype
Scer\GAL4221, knUAS.cMa, spasRNAi.UAS has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC phenotype
A dar13010 mutant background suppresses the increase in dendrite length found upon expression of knScer\UAS.cMa in class I da neurons under the control of Scer\GAL421-7 and results in a severe reduction in dendrite length.
Co-expression of knScer\UAS.cMa in a Scer\GAL4bi-md653, A2bp1dsRNA.Scer\UAS background rescues the loss of intervein tissue phenotype and causes a loss of vein tissue.
Ectopic expression of Rac1Scer\UAS.cLa along with knScer\UAS.cMa in class I neurons under the control of Scer\GAL4221 promotes the outgrowth of bona fide dendrites from the thorn-shaped projections initiated by Rac1Scer\UAS.cLa expression. In addition, coexpression of knScer\UAS.cMa causes a small, significant reduction in termini number.
Co-expression of knScer\UAS.cMa and ctScer\UAS.cPa under the control of Scer\GAL4221 increases the number of dendritic branching points to 409% of wild-type. Similarly, the total length is increased by 130% and the arbor area by 89%.
Ectopic expression of spasdsRNA.Scer\UAS strongly reduces both branching and total dendrite length by 18 and 19% respectively, when expressed in knScer\UAS.cMa-expressing class I neurons (both transgenes under the control of Scer\GAL4221).