Drives expression in the developing embryonic salivary gland and in the larval salivary gland.
Cad99CUAS.fl, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has abnormal cell adhesion phenotype, suppressible by sas15
Cad99CEXTRA.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has abnormal cell adhesion phenotype, non-suppressible by sas15
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cUa is an enhancer of increased cell number | pupal stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC696/hrmΔ1
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-enhancer of increased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/CycEGL00511 is a suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/CycEGL00511 is a suppressor of increased cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/CycEGL00511 is a suppressor | partially of decreased size | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Cdk1HMS01531/Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Cdk1HMS01531/Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor of increased cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Cdk1HMS01531/Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor | partially of decreased size | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/fzrUAS.cSa is a suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/fzrUAS.cSa is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/fzrUAS.cSa is a suppressor | partially of decreased size | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of decreased size | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of increased cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of decreased cell number | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH, fzrUAS.cSa, BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of decreased size | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Atg1GS10797 is a suppressor | partially of increased cell number | pupal stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC696/hrmΔ1
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, enhanceable by DroncI24/DroncI29
Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, enhanceable by BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, enhanceable by Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Atg12RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, non-enhanceable by drprRNAi.I.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH, fogUAS.cDa has adherens junction | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/smogHMC03192
Cad99CUAS.fl, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, suppressible by sas15
Atg1GS10797, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, suppressible by Atg12RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, suppressible by mTorTED.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, suppressible | partially by mTorTED.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Rac1L89.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, suppressible by shg[+]/shg2
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, suppressible | partially by shgUAS.sgGFP, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype, suppressible | partially by shiK44A.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Cad99CEXTRA.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, non-suppressible by sas15
Atg1GS10797, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, non-suppressible by BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/chicHMS00550 is an enhancer of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of smognull
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cUa is an enhancer of salivary gland | pupal stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC696/hrmΔ1
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is an enhancer of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of drprΔ5
BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is an enhancer of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is an enhancer of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
drprRNAi.I.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Atg12RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/CycEGL00511 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Cdk1HMS01531/Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/fzrUAS.cSa is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH, fzrUAS.cSa, BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/smogHMC03192 is a suppressor | partially of adherens junction | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4fkh.PH, fogUAS.cDa
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Atg1GS10797 is a suppressor | partially of salivary gland | pupal stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC696/hrmΔ1
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Atg1GS10797 is a suppressor of salivary gland | pupal stage phenotype of ctpG0371
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Atg1UAS.cSa is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of drprΔ5
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/crbUAS.cWa is a suppressor of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of Rho1k02107b
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/RokCAT.UAS is a suppressor of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of Rho1k02107b
mTorTED.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Atg12RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Atg1GS10797, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
mTorTED.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
shgUAS.sgGFP, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor | partially of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
shiK44A.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a suppressor | partially of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/crbUAS.cWa is a non-suppressor of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of ribP7/rib1
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/MoeT559A.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of presumptive embryonic salivary gland phenotype of ribP7/rib1
BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Atg1GS10797, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Rho1UAS.cHa partially rescues Rho11B
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/Rho1UAS.cHa partially rescues Rho1k02107b
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/hryUAS.cIa partially rescues hry674
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/TBC1D23UAS.cJa fails to rescue TBC1D23KO/Df(2L)Exel6004
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/TBC1D23UAS.EGFP fails to rescue TBC1D23KO/Df(2L)Exel6004
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/fogUAS.cDa fails to rescue fogRA67
Scer\GAL4fkh.PH/TorsinUAS.cWa fails to rescue TorsinKO78