Contains 2 copies of a 700bp tra2 fragment in an antisense-sense inverted repeat arrangement. The fragment encompasses most of exons 6 and 7, and contains about half of the coding region and 297bp of the 3' UTR. The two copies are separated by 42bp of vector polylinker sequence and flanked by UASt sequences on one side and a polyadenylation signal and transcription terminator in the other.
Larval fat body clones expressing tra2dsRNA.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU show an apparently normal induction of autophagosomes (identified as mCherry-Atg8 puncta) in response to starvation.
When tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS is driven by Scer\GAL4fru.P1 in females, the initial stages of courtship behaviour - orientation and tapping - are seen when paired with a wild-type virgin female, but wing and proboscis extension and attempted copulation are not seen. When paired with a wild-type male these masculinized females are always courted, but show male-like rejection behaviours, including wing flicking and kicking, and never show the female rejection response of ovipositor extrusion. When a single wild-type male is placed with multiple masculinized tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS, Scer\GAL4fru.P1 females, male singing is sufficient to elicit wing extension and vibration as well as occasional proboscis extension in a mutant female not being courted.
Expression of tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP in clones in the repressed male primordium of XX genital discs results in large outgrowths, which when of sufficient size, begin to take on the morphology of the male genital disc.
The genital discs tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS; Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 females raised at 29oC resemble male genital discs, and are often indistinguishable from those of their male siblings. However, this phenotype is not completely penetrant: some growth of the female primordia is seen in a minority of cases. tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS; Scer\GAL4en-e16E females raised at 29oC show only minor changes in morphology: the female primordium overgrows slightly, deepening the groove between left and right halves, while the male primordium is slightly thickened.
In an XX animal carrying tra2dsRNA.Scer\UAS driven by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PP or Scer\GAL4T80, a variable and temperature dependant sexual phenotype is seen in a number of different body parts, including pigmentation in the 5th and 6th tergites, the 7th tergite and 6th sternite the anal plates and the external genitalia.