Large deletion within lin; removes most of the coding region.
A 2744bp deletion that removes most of lin.
denticle row 1 (with lin2)
denticle row 2 (with lin2)
denticle row 2 | ectopic (with lin2), with Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, linUAS.cHa
denticle row 3 (with lin2)
denticle row 3 | ectopic (with lin2), with Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, linUAS.cHa
denticle row 4 (with lin2)
dorsal denticle | ectopic (with lin2)
Mutant linG2 clones induced in the leg disc during the second instar result in shortening and fusion of all the proximal segments and the formation of deep invaginations in the leg cuticle of the adult. linG2 clones induced at early third instar result in shortening of the tarsus and fusion of tarsal segments. In both cases, adult leg size is much reduced. Mutant cells fail to contribute to inter-joint tissue or to differentiate inter-segmental bristles. Occasional out-pocketing of epithelial tissue decorated with smooth cuticle at inter-joint territories is observed.
Poorly differentiated adult antennae arise from linG2 mutant clone tissue induced during second instar.
In linG2/lin2 embryos, the first three rows of the ventral denticle belts are replaced with smooth cuticle and denticle row 4 appears large like row 5. Excess denticles are produced posterior to the denticle belt. The anterior- and posterior-most en-expressing cells in the parasegment differentiate the 1o dorsal cuticle type (dorsal denticles) in linG2/lin2 embryos, while 2 to 3 cell rows internal to the en expression domain differentiate smooth cuticle. The anterior- and posterior-most en-expressing cells in the parasegment differentiate the 1o dorsal cuticle type (dorsal denticles) in linG2/lin2 embryos, while 2 to 3 cell rows internal to the en expression domain differentiate smooth cuticle. Expression of linScer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E in these embryos transforms all en-expressing cells to the 4o fate (fine hairs). Expression of linScer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4wg.PM restores the 4o fate, but only in the portion of the 4o field that expresses wg.
linG2/lin2 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/linUAS.cHa
linG2/lin2 is partially rescued by linUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4wg.PM
Expression of linScer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 rescues ventral and dorsal wg-dependent cell fates in lin2/linG2 embryos. Anterior ventral denticle rows are restored and excess row 2/3 denticles are produced. The excess denticles posterior to the belt that are seen in lin2/linG2 embryos are not restored to smooth cuticle.