Drives expression in sensory neurons and the peripheral nervous system.
In third instar larvae, expression is observed in the ring gland and in cells of the corpora allata and prothoracic gland.
In late embryos, expression is observed in PNS sensory neurons.
In late embryos, expression is observed in sensory neurons.
In late embryos, expression is observed in all sensory neurons (groups numbered 1-9 in FBrf0064796), with expression completely restricted to the PNS; see reference for detailed description.
In late embryos, reporter protein is also localized to dendritic processes and axon terminals of sensory neurons.
abdominal basiconical sensillum dbd & embryo & nerve terminal, with robo3UAS.cSa
chordotonal organ & embryo & nerve terminal, with commUAS.cKa
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 31-32[o]C) of Scer\GAL412.1 cells in third instar larvae results in locomotor defects, including significantly reduced peristaltic contraction frequency during slow, but not fast, locomotion and more circular path trajectories, compared to controls, there is also a significant reduction in head swings in response to nose-touch stimuli, compared to controls.
Scer\GAL412.1/robo3UAS.cSa partially rescues robo31
Scer\GAL412.1/ItprUAS.cVa fails to rescue Itprka901/Itprug3
sbbUAS.cYa/Scer\GAL412.1 fails to rescue sbb03432