Deletion extending distally from the P{PZ}fru4 insertion for at least 70kb.
abnormal courtship behavior | male (with fru1)
abnormal song (with fru1)
abnormal song (with fru3)
abnormal song (with fru4)
abnormal song (with fruw9)
abnormal song (with fruw12)
abnormal song (with fruw27)
lethal (with Df(3R)fruw24)
male sterile (with fru1)
male sterile (with fru3)
male sterile (with fru4)
male sterile (with fruAJ96u3)
male sterile (with frusat15)
male sterile (with fruw9)
male sterile (with fruw12)
male sterile (with fruw27)
semi-fertile (with fruΔC)
fru4-40/fruP1.LexA adult males do not have the male-specific ventrolateral protocerebrum projection neuron 1; there is no effect on its absence from the female.
In fruF/fru4-40 males the post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons in the posterior adult ventral nerve cord are feminised; the normally female-specific ventral subset of 3-4 post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons is present adjacent to the usual embryonic Ilp7 neurons. The dorsal cluster of post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons seen in both males and females is retained but, as in females, no longer express serotonin.
In fruM/fru4-40 females the post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons in the posterior adult ventral nerve cord are partially masculinised; the ventral cluster of female-specific Ilp7 neurons are still present but, as in males, the shared dorsal cluster neurons express serotonin.
Midline crossing by foreleg gustatory receptor neuron (GRN) axons is nearly absent in fruP1.LexA/fru4-40 XY animals.
The normally male specific 'muscle of lawrence' is absent in fruF/fru4-40 males, but is ectopically present in fruM/fru4-40 or fruΔtra/fru4-40females. fru3/fru4-40 and fru4/fru4-40 males exhibit very little courtship behaviour towards females, while fruF/fru4-40 males fail to court females. Males of all of these genotypes show significant increases in courtship behaviour towards wild-type males and form all male mating chains among themselves. In contrast, fruM/fru4-40 and fruΔtra/fru4-40 males exhibit normal overall levels of courtship behaviour towards females (courtship index) and show a significant competitive advantage in competition with wild-type males to mate with a wild-type virgin female. This may be mainly due to a significant decrease in courtship latency seen in these males. These flies who not significant increases in courtship behaviour towards wild-type males compared to wild-type and do not form all male mating chains. fruM/fru4-40 or fruΔtra/fru4-40 females court wild-type females, with courtship indices over 40% in single-pair assays. They also form courtship chains with other females of their own genotype (chaining indices >40%). These females perform all steps in the male courtship ritual apart from copulation, which is anatomically impossible, and abdominal bending in attempt to copulate, which may be inhibited by the much larger abdomen of females. However, the proportion of time spent in different parts of the courtship ritual differs form control (fruC/fru4-40) males: they spend significantly more time tapping and less time licking, overall courting time is reduced but initiation of courtship is just as rapid. Unlike control females, these females also court males. Courtship of males by fruM/fru4-40 or fruΔtra/fru4-40 females is significantly enhanced if the males are traScer\UAS.cFa; Scer\GAL4oeC.
24% of fru0-1/fru4-40 males are fertile. Male-female courtship as measured by courtship index (CI) or wing extension index (WEI) is almost completely abolished in fruw27/fru4-40, frusat15/fru4-40, fruP14/fru4-40, fruw9/fru4-40 or fruw12/fru4-40 males. Male-female courtship as measured by courtship index (CI) or wing extension index (WEI) as measured by WEI is almost completely abolished in fru3/fru4-40 or fru4/fru4-40 males. fru3/fru4-40 and fru4/fru4-40 males show significant male-male courtship as measured by CI. fru1/fru4-40 males show significantly more male-male courtship and less frequent male-female courtship than wild-type males. fru4-40/fru1, fru4-40/fru0-1, fru4-40/fru3, fru4-40/fruw9, fru4-40/fruw27, fru4-40/frusat15 or fru4-40/fru4 males show substantial chaining. fru3/fru4-40, fru4/fru4-40, fruw12/fru4-40 and fruw27/fru4-40 males do not produce a courtship song even though they show a small amount of wing extension. fru1/fru4-40 males have a courtship song with longer interpulse intervals, but essentially normal intrapulse frequencies, cycles per pulse and width of the fast-Fourier transform compared to control males.
fruAJ96u3/fru4-40 is a non-enhancer of abnormal courtship behavior | female phenotype of retnz2-428/retn05096
frusat15/fru4-40 is a non-enhancer of abnormal courtship behavior | female phenotype of retnz2-428/retn05096
frusat15/fru4-40 is a non-suppressor of abnormal courtship behavior | female phenotype of retnz2-428/retn05096
fruAJ96u3/fru4-40 is a non-suppressor of abnormal courtship behavior | female phenotype of retnz2-428/retn05096
The normal order of behaviours is seen in the courtship behaviours elicited in intact solitary males expressing TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of either Scer\GAL4fru.P1.B, Scer\GAL4fru.P1.D, Scer\GAL4dsx-GAL4 or Scer\GAL4dsx.Δ2 at 27 or 29[o]C, in that wing extension is always induced before abdomen bending. This ordering is lost if the males are also carrying fruP1.LexA/fru4-40.
Solitary males expressing TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4dsx.Δ2 in a fruP1.LexA/fru4-40 background at 27[o]C show approximately equal unilateral and bilateral wing extension.
Complements: sprd05284.