Comment: expression begins 32 hr APF
Comment: expression starts at 32 hr APF ; expression is in inner part of ellipsoid body
Drives expression in the ellipsoid body, specifically in adult ellipsoid body ring neurons R2 and R4m.
ScerGAL4c819 drives adult expression in the ellipsoid body and suboesophageal ganglion.
ScerGAL4c819 is expressed in some motorneurons along the dorsal midline in some segments of the larval VNC.
Pupal and adult expression is observed in R2 and medial R4 ring neurons, that arborize in the outer domain of the ellipsoid body.
Inhibition of neural activity in Scer\GAL4c819-expressing neurons (in which expression is suppressed in the ventral nerve cord using Scer\GAL80tsh-GAL80) does not affect sensitivity to (S,Z,Z)-CH503 (a more potent stereoisomer of the gustatory sex pheromone CH503). As in wild type flies, courtship defects are seen in response to (S,Z,Z)-CH503.
Thermogenetic activation (using TrpA1UAS.(B).cKa at 28[o]C) of Scer\GAL4c819 cells in adults significantly reduces anaesthesia-sensitive medium-term (3 h) aversive olfactory memory, with no effect on short term (2 min) memory or anaesthesia-resistant 3 h memory, compared to controls; activation of a smaller subset of Scer\GAL4c819 (restricted using Scer\GAL80Gad1) does not affect 3 h memory, compared to controls.
Scer\GAL4c819, dcoGD1259 has decreased sleep | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by per01
forUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4c819 rescues fors
forUAS.cWb/Scer\GAL4c819 rescues fors
forUAS.cWc/Scer\GAL4c819 rescues fors
dyscUAS.long/Scer\GAL4c819 fails to rescue dyscs168/dyscc03838