Comment: strong expression
Comment: strong expression
Comment: strong expression
Comment: faint expression
Drives expression in cholinergic neurons in larvae and adults.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 and ScerGAL4S3.Hug drive expression in larval Hugin neuron of the protocerebrum, larval Hugin neuron of the ventral nerve cord, larval Hugin neuron of the ventral nerve cord as well as, weakly, larval Hugin neuron of the corpus cardiacum.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 colocalizes with eve in EL neurons.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 labels a subset of neurons in the lamina, medulla, lobula and lobula plate. The labelled cells include: Tm1, Tm2, Tm4, Tm4a, Tm7, Tm8, Tm11, Tm12, Tm15, Tm22, Tm24, TmY2, TmY5, TmY9, TmY10, TmY11, TmY12, Mi2, Mi7, Mi11, Pm1, Pm1a, Mt4, Mt10, T2, T4, Tlp2, Tlp3, Lcn1, Lcn2, Lt6, Tm new 1, Tm new 2, Tm new 3, T new 1, mY new 1, Mt new 1, Mi new 1, Mi new 2, Mi new 3, Lcn new 1, Loi new 1 and lpi new 1.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 drives expression in the Rh5 and Rh6 photoreceptors of Bolwig organ in the larval optic neuropil.
Expression in the midgut is found in a distinct group of Dh31-expressing enteroendocrine cells located at the junction region of the anterior midgut and the acid-secreting portion of the larval midgut. This junction region occurs at a conspicuous and characteristic U-shaped bend in the gut. These are referred to as the "midgut junction Dh31-expressing cells". There is no overlap in expression between this marker and ChAT expression in the midgut.
ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 labels at least four LNd neurons and the Pdf negative s-LNv neuron. The four LNd neurons are also labeled by expression of per protein. Two of these four LNd neurons also co-express sNPF protein.
Most of the ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 expressing neurons do not colocalize with sNPF protein in the adult. However, there is colocalization in a subset of columnar neurons at the ventral base of the optic lobe with dense termination sites in the lateral protocerebrum.
Expression of ScerGAL4Cha.7.4 is limited to the ventral part of the ventral nerve cord.
In adults, ScerGAL4VGlut-OK371 drives expression in thin neurites that innervate the beta gamma lobes, especially in the anterior region of the latter, and in the neuropils surrounding the lobes and peduncle. Co-localisation with sNPF protein is observed in a small number of cell bodies throughout the brain and in the neuronal axon tract anterior to the beta and gamma lobes. Larval expression was similar to the one in adults, with additional expression in processes that terminate in the calyx or that surround the dorsal tip of the vertical lobe.
ScerGAL4ChAT.7.4 drives expression in cholinergic neurons from the onset of synaptogenesis.
axon | adult stage, with EphrinHMS01289
cilium | adult stage, with nompBJF03080
eye, with Nup44AEP2417
eye, with Tpr2UAS.cKa
lamina, with SmBHM05097
medulla | adult stage, with EphrinHMS01289
Optogenetic stimulation (using Npha\HRe.UAS.cBa.YFP with 593 nm (yellow) light activation) of Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 neurons reduces speed, distance and total duration of locomotion in adult flies, compared to controls.
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 31-32[o]C) of Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 cells in larvae results in paralysis. When inhibition is restricted to MARCM clones (using hs-FLP to remove a Gal80[ts] transgene by recombination with no heat shock induction), a range of phenotypes can occur, including slow movement, paralysis, defects in run initiation and/or maintenance, reduced or absent body wall peristalsis and lack of co-ordination, compared to controls; these phenotypes are correlated with the presence of interneuronal, rather than sensory, clones and clones that have arborizations in particular neuropil regions.
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(rPENK), Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal locomotor behavior phenotype, enhanceable by Adcy1rut-1
Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by par-1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(rPENK), Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal locomotor behavior phenotype, suppressible by Pde4dnc-1
Hsap\MECP2UAS.FL, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by osa00090/osa[+]
Hsap\MECP2UAS.FL, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by trcUAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Mmus\PrnpP101L.UAS.Tag:3F4, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has abnormal locomotor behavior phenotype, non-suppressible by BacA\p35UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
SLO2DN.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of bang sensitive | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype of eas2
SLO2DN.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of bang sensitive | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype of jusiso7.8
SLO2DN.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of bang sensitive | adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype of parabss1
pumKK109048/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of paralytic | adult stage phenotype of parabss1
pumKK109048/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of paralytic | third instar larval stage phenotype of parabss1
par-1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor | partially of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of AdarE374A
Hsap\SOD1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo
Hsap\SOD1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo
Hsap\SOD1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo
pumUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of paralytic | adult stage phenotype of parabss1
pumUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of paralytic | third instar larval stage phenotype of parabss1
Toll-7ΔLRR.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of some die during embryonic stage | heat sensitive phenotype of Toll-626, Toll-7P8
Toll-7C993Y.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of some die during embryonic stage | heat sensitive phenotype of Toll-626, Toll-7P8
Toll-6ΔLRR.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of some die during embryonic stage | heat sensitive phenotype of Toll-626, Toll-7P8
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal size | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Prx2RNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of short lived | conditional phenotype of Hayan1
IrcRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of short lived | conditional phenotype of Hayan1
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Kap3V6
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Kap3V6
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar5G1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p110/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar1F4
Atg5RNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of short lived phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(rPENK)
trcUAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\MECP2UAS.FL, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
esgEP684/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of bang sensitive phenotype of eas2
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor rhythm | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Klp68DUAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp68DUAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Kap3V6
Hsap\ADARUAS.p110/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p150/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARB1G.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p150/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p110/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar1F4
Hsap\ADARUAS.p150/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Adar1F4
BacA\p35UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior phenotype of Mmus\PrnpP101L.UAS.Tag:3F4, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has neuron phenotype, enhanceable by par-1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-enhanceable by Sirt1EP2300, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-enhanceable by taraEP3463, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-enhanceable by pumEP3461, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-enhanceable by Hsc70-4K71S.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, suppressible by DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, suppressible by Diap1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-suppressible by Hsc70-4K71S.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-suppressible by Sirt1EP2300, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-suppressible by taraEP3463, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 has adult brain phenotype, non-suppressible by pumEP3461, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
par-1UAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is an enhancer of neuron phenotype of Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Sirt1EP2300, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-enhancer of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
taraEP3463, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-enhancer of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
pumEP3461, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-enhancer of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsc70-4K71S.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-enhancer of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Hsap\SOD1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo
Hsap\SOD1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | increased number | larval stage phenotype of Eaat1hypo
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of larval somatic muscle cell | larval stage phenotype of SmnX7
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of trichoid sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of basiconic sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of cilium phenotype of Kap3V5
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of trichoid sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V6
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of basiconic sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V6
Klp64DUAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of cilium phenotype of Kap3V6
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor of retina | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Hsap\ADARB1UAS.cKa is a suppressor of adult mushroom body | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p110/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of retina | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p110/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor | partially of adult mushroom body | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
BacA\p35UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Diap1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Klp68DUAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of trichoid sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V6
Klp68DUAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of basiconic sensillum of antennal segment 3 phenotype of Kap3V6
Klp68DUAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of cilium phenotype of Kap3V6
Hsap\ADARUAS.p150/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of retina | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsap\ADARUAS.p150/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body | conditional phenotype of Adar5G1
Hsc70-4K71S.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Sirt1EP2300, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
taraEP3463, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
pumEP3461, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 is a non-suppressor of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\ATXN182.UAS, Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Adar3.4.UAS partially rescues Adar5G1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Adar3.4.UAS partially rescues AdarE374A
ChTUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 partially rescues ChTKK109385
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4, incf00285 partially rescues incf00285
kccUAS.cHb/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 partially rescues kccDHS1
qvrUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 partially rescues qvrEY04063
fblL.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 partially rescues fbl1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/AdarEA.3.4.UAS fails to rescue Adar5G1
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/OambUAS.K3 fails to rescue Oambunspecified
OambUAS.AS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 fails to rescue Oambunspecified
DysDp186.UAS/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 fails to rescue DysDp186.166.3
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/Ns3UAS.Venus fails to rescue Ns3G0431
TbhUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 fails to rescue TbhnM18
tokUAS.cSa.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 fails to rescue tokK788/tokD427
Nf1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4 fails to rescue Nf1unspecified
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/ItprUAS.cVa fails to rescue Itprwc703/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4ChAT.7.4/ItprUAS.cVa fails to rescue Itprka901/Itprug3