egg chamber (with rhi1)
egg chamber (with rhi1-S6)
egg chamber (with rhi2-sL15)
egg chamber (with rhi02086)
nurse cell (with rhi1)
nurse cell (with rhi1-S6)
nurse cell (with rhi2-sL15)
nurse cell (with rhi02086)
nurse cell & chromatin (with rhi1)
nurse cell & chromatin (with rhi1-S6)
nurse cell & chromatin (with rhi2-sL15)
nurse cell & chromatin (with rhi02086)
rhi1/rhi2-L12 egg chambers have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology up to stage S5, but only 2% have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology at other stages. 67% of the egg chambers have a persistant five-lobed chromatin phenotype. 10% of egg chambers are degenerating and 3% have an abnormal number of nurse cells. rhi02086/rhi2-L12 egg chambers have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology up to stage S5, but only 11% have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology at other stages. 58% of the egg chambers have a persistant five-lobed chromatin phenotype. 7% of egg chambers are degenerating and 4% have an abnormal number of nurse cells. rhi1-S6/rhi2-L12 egg chambers have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology up to stage S5, but only 5% have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology at other stages. 52% of the egg chambers have a persistant five-lobed chromatin phenotype. 15% of egg chambers are degenerating and 10% have an abnormal number of nurse cells. rhi2-sL15/rhi2-L12 egg chambers have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology up to stage S5, but only 20% have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology at other stages. 58% of the egg chambers have a persistant five-lobed chromatin phenotype. 6% of egg chambers are degenerating and 7% have an abnormal number of nurse cells.