Insertion in the first "svb" intron.
adult thorax & microchaeta | somatic clone
Adult escapers show incomplete joint formation in some tarsal segments.
Mutant embryos have a naked cuticle phenotype. In ovoPL107 escapers, the trichomes that normally differentiate on the scutum, scutellum and wing are replaced by large regions of naked cuticle and sparse atrophied trichomes. The central core of the arista is slightly shorter than normal and arista laterals either fail to form or are strongly reduced in size. Microchaetae are reduced in size in homozygous clones in the thorax.
Re-mobilisation of the transposon causes the lethality phenotype to be lost.
The P{lacW}ovoPL107 insertion disrupts "svb" function without altering "ovo" function. Precise excision of the P-element restores viability and suppresses the mutant phenotype.