Triacylglycerol (TAG) storage is reduced in homozygous flies (males and females).
Adult female homozygotes have 21% reduced body weight and exhibit reduced protein and glycogen levels compared to controls. Male homozygous flies do not differ from wild type.
Female flies lay 42% fewer eggs than controls.
A 22% reduced metabolic rate (reduced CO[[2]] production) is seen in homozygous mutants compared to controls. There is no difference between females and males.
Male homozygotes exhibit a reduction in waking activity compared to wild type, whereas no difference is seen in females.
Females and males have a reduced median lifespan compared to controls (46% and 28% respectively).
Mutants of both sexes are more sensitive to starvation (have an decreased starvation half life) than wild type flies.
Males and females homozygous flies both sleep longer during the day than wild type flies. Female flies sleep for longer at nighttime whereas males do not differ from wild type.