A ubiquitin promoter regulates expression of a GAL4 driver.
ScerGAL4Ubi.PU drives expression all cells.
Drives expression in all cells.
lethal, with borR534W.UAS
lethal, with PsaUAS.cSa
lethal, with ruKK105434
lethal, with sinuGD2315
viable, with SCCRO3VDRC.cUa
viable, with SCCROGD12234
viable, with SCCROKK102723
AckUAS.Tag:V5/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU is an enhancer of visible | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of hpoBF33
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/AckKD.UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-enhancer of visible | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of hpoBF33
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/BaraA2UAS.cHb is a suppressor | partially of increased mortality | conditional phenotype of Myd88unspecified
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/BaraA2UAS.cHb is a suppressor | partially of abnormal immune response | adult stage phenotype of Myd88unspecified
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Hsap\WACUAS.cDa is a suppressor of lethal - all die during second instar larval stage phenotype of wcyA
AckUAS.Tag:V5/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU is a non-suppressor of visible | somatic clone | adult stage phenotype of exe1
AckUAS.Tag:V5/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU is an enhancer of eye | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of hpoBF33
AckUAS.Tag:V5/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU is a non-enhancer of eye | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of exe1
AckUAS.Tag:V5/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU is a non-enhancer of antenna | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of exe1
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/AckKD.UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-enhancer of eye | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of hpoBF33
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Pi3K92EJF02770 is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium | somatic clone phenotype of Pten3
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Pi3K92EJF02770 is a suppressor | partially of interommatidial cell | somatic clone phenotype of Pten3
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/PtenC132S.UAS.2.GFP partially rescues Pten3
PtenG137E.UAS.2.GFP/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU partially rescues Pten3
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Kdm5UASp.cSa partially rescues Kdm5140
E2f1UAS.a.Tag:FLAG,Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU partially rescues Df(3R)Exel6186/E2f1rM729
E2f1UAS.a.Tag:FLAG,Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU, E2f1UAS.b.Tag:FLAG,Tag:MYC partially rescues Df(3R)Exel6186/E2f1rM729
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/E2f1UAS.b.Tag:FLAG,Tag:MYC partially rescues Df(3R)Exel6186/E2f1rM729
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Caf1-55UAS.cAa partially rescues Caf1-55med/Caf1-55short
Scer\GAL4Ubi.PU/Caf1-55UAS.cAa partially rescues Caf1-55short
Carried in plasmid "ub-Gal4", transfected into S2 cells and used as a driver construct in studies of mirtron biogenesis.