Eye colour: expression of wdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI (carried in P{Act5C-GAL4}) strongly silences expression of w+mC (carried in both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{Act5C-GAL4}); flies carrying both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{Act5C-GAL4} have lighter eye colour than those carrying either P{Sym-UAS-w} or P{Act5C-GAL4} alone in a w1118 background. Silencing is not seen in the absence of Scer\GAL4 expression; flies carrying both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{AyGAL4} (a transgene in which Scer\GAL4 is not expressed due to Scer\FRT sites between the Act5C promoter and Scer\GAL4 coding region) do not show silencing of w+mC expression.
Eye colour: expression of wdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI in w[+]/w[-] heterozygous females results in an appreciable reduction in eye pigmentation. The red pigment content is about 10% that of control flies.
Eye colour: expression of wdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL strongly silences expression of w in w[+]/w[-] heterozygous females; there is a dramatic reduction in eye pigment level.
Eye colour: expression of wdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 appreciably silences expression of w in w[+]/w[-] heterozygous females.
Eye colour: expression of wdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS (carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev results in female flies with red/brown mottled eyes in a w[+]/w[-] background.
Eye colour: simultaneous expression of wSym.Scer\UAS and wa.Sym.Scer\UAS (both carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI (carried in P{Act5C-GAL4}) strongly silences expression of w+mC (carried in both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{Act5C-GAL4}); flies carrying both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{Act5C-GAL4} have lighter eye colour than those carrying either P{Sym-UAS-w} or P{Act5C-GAL4} alone in a w1118 background. Silencing is not seen in the absence of Scer\GAL4 expression; flies carrying both P{Sym-UAS-w} and P{AyGAL4} (a transgene in which Scer\GAL4 is not expressed due to Scer\FRT sites between the Act5C promoter and Scer\GAL4 coding region) do not show silencing of w+mC expression. Eye colour: simultaneous expression of wSym.Scer\UAS and wa.Sym.Scer\UAS (both carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI in w+/w- heterozygous females results in an appreciable reduction in eye pigmentation. The red pigment content is about 10% that of control flies. Eye colour: simultaneous expression of wSym.Scer\UAS and wa.Sym.Scer\UAS (both carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL strongly silences expression of w in w+/w- heterozygous females; there is a dramatic reduction in eye pigment level. Eye colour: simultaneous expression of wSym.Scer\UAS and wa.Sym.Scer\UAS (both carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 appreciably silences expression of w in w+/w- heterozygous females. Eye colour: simultaneous expression of wSym.Scer\UAS and wa.Sym.Scer\UAS (both carried in P{Sym-UAS-w}) under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev results in female flies with red/brown mottled eyes in a w+/w- background.