Amino acid replacement: C152Y.
C152Y | sub-PA; C152Y | sub-PB
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
female sterile (with sub1), with Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR, subCT.UASp.EGFP
Expression of subCT.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Avic-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16 in sub1794/+ females results in reduced numbers of progeny.
Expression of subCT.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Avic-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16 in sub1794/sub1 females results in sterility.
Elevated frequency of X, fourth and second chromosome non-disjunction. Autosomal chromosome loss is significant. Most or all of the non-disjunction involves homologs at meiosis I. The position of the chiasma seems to have little effect on whether the homologs will fail to segregate normally. Achiasmate chromosomes require sub for segregation, whereas chiasmate bivalents can in some instances segregate correctly. Transheterozygotes with sub1 show elevated levels of X chromosome non-disjunction in females. Stage 14 oocytes of sub1794 homozygotes and transheterozygotes with subDub show a defect in spindle pole formation - most often spindles are either monopolar or tripolar, karyosome may be split, spindles broken or misshapen such that they fray, or do not taper at the poles. When heterozygous with Df(2R)PclXM82 a higher frequency of spindle defects results, though the severity of spindle defects when they occur is unchanged. In stage 14 oocytes of sub1794/Df(2R)PC4 females the centromeres are often abnormally arranged: either on the same side of the karyosome or, if the karyosome is split, in the same mass of chromosomes. Eggs derived from sub1794 mothers show some abnormalities in spindle morphology during early mitoses, though later stage embryos develop normally suggesting recovery from the early defect mitotic defect.
sub1794 has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by ncdD/ncd[+]
sub1794 has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by nod[+]/nod4
sub1794 has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype, non-enhanceable by ncd[+]/ncd1
sub[+]/sub1794 is an enhancer of abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype of ncdD
sub[+]/sub1794 is an enhancer of abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype of nod4
sub[+]/sub1794 is a non-enhancer of abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype of ncd1
sub1794 show allele specific interactions with alleles of ncd. sub1794/+, ncdD/+ transheterozygotes show a high frequency of non-disjunction, whereas either mutation alone is completely recessive. sub1794/+, ncd1/+ transheterozygotes do not show this effect. Df(2R)PC4/+, ncdD/+ shows less nondisjunction than sub1794/+, ncdD/+. sub1794 show a less strong, but still significant, interaction with nod4 than with ncdD. Stage 14 oocytes of sub1794/+, ncdD/+ show a defect in spindle pole formation - most often spindles are either monopolar or tripolar, karyosome may be split, spindles broken or misshapen such that they fray, or do not taper at the poles. Double mutants of sub1794 with ncd1 show no greater degree of oocyte spindle pole abnormality that those of ncd1 mutants alone - the effects of the two mutants are simply additive.
subunspecified/sub1794 is rescued by subUASp.EGFP/Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
subunspecified/sub1794 is not rescued by subCT.UASp.EGFP/Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
Allelic series (strongest to weakest phenotype): sub131/subDub = sub202/subDub = sub218/subDub = sub22/subDub = sub72/subDub = sub104/subDub = sub158/subDub > sub1794/subDub > +/subDub.