Drives larval expression in a small cluster of insulin-producing cells in each brain lobe; processes from these neurons extend to the heart. Drives adult expression in cells of the pars intercerebralis.
ScerGAL4Ilp2.PR-driven expression does not overlap with Ddc expression in the pupal or adult brain or larval ventral nerve cord.
ScerGAL4Ilp2.PR is expressed in insulin-like producing cells.
ScerGAL4Ilp2.PR drives expression in cells of the pars intercerebralis. Most of these cells co-express PICK1 protein.
Larval expression is observed in a cluster of seven neurosecretory cells in each brain lobe.
Larval expression is observed in a small cluster of insulin-producing cells in each brain lobe. Processes from these neurons extend to the heart.
Larval expression is observed in a small cluster of insulin-producing cells in each brain lobe.
neurite | adult stage | ectopic, with NrgGD82
neurite | adult stage | ectopic, with PlexAHM05221
neurite | adult stage | ectopic, with Sema1aHMS01307
wing, with Eps-15UAS.cLa
wing, with hppyUAS.cZa
Activation of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR-positive neurons (by the expression of TrpA1UAS.(B).cKa under the control of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR) leads to increased female fecundity.
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, dcmaGD15126 has long lived phenotype, suppressible by Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, mir-9aUAS.cSa.DsRed2 has visible phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/sNPF-RUAS.cSa
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, mir-9asponge.UAS.mCherry has visible phenotype, suppressible by sNPF-R[+]/sNPF-RMI00427
RIOK1KK100810, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK1KK100810, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK1GD8541, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK1GD8541, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex has decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, suppressible | partially by Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
CblGD12111, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has increased body size | male limited phenotype, suppressible by EgfrDN.UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, bskK53R.UAS has abnormal stress response phenotype, suppressible by Ilp2GD15756, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, foxoUAS.Tag:FLAG has abnormal body size phenotype, suppressible by 14-3-3εUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, hepAct.UAS has decreased body size | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by foxo25/foxo[+]
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has decreased body size phenotype, suppressible by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, suppressible | heat sensitive by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has decreased cell number phenotype, suppressible | heat sensitive by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has decreased cell size phenotype, suppressible | heat sensitive by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, flzGD1886 has decreased body size | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ilp2UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Ilp2GD15756, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size phenotype, non-suppressible by sNPF-RUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Ilp1GD2398, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR has decreased body size phenotype, non-suppressible by sNPF-RUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ilp2UAS.cBa is a suppressor of abnormal starvation stress response | semidominant | adult stage phenotype of mir-137CR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ilp2UAS.cBa is a suppressor of abnormal starvation stress response | semidominant | adult stage phenotype of mir-137KO
CRMPTH02545.N/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage phenotype of Fmr1Δ50M/Fmr13
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/CRMPKK108924 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal circadian rhythm | adult stage phenotype of Fmr1Δ50M/Fmr13
Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of long lived phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, dcmaGD15126
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Hsap\TBC1D7UAS.cRa is a suppressor of abnormal size | cell non-autonomous | adult stage phenotype of TBC1d7KO
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Hsap\TBC1D7UAS.cRa is a suppressor | partially of abnormal size | adult stage phenotype of TBC1d7KO
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/sNPF-RUAS.cSa is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, mir-9aUAS.cSa.DsRed2
p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK1KK100810, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK1KK100810, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK1GD8541, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK1GD8541, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2KK101850, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53JF02513, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
p53KK113065, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of RIOK2NIG.11859R, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex
Erk7KK102574, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of abnormal developmental rate phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex
Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex
Erk7HMS00222, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor | partially of abnormal developmental rate phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, p53UAS.Ex
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ilp2UAS.cBa is a suppressor of abnormal starvation stress response phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ilp2UAS.cBa is a suppressor of increased body size phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ilp2UAS.cBa is a suppressor of abnormal feeding behavior phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/bskK53R.UAS is a suppressor of abnormal starvation stress response phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
EgfrDN.UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of increased body size | male limited phenotype of CblGD12111, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
StimUAS.cAa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, OraiUAS.cZa is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, OraiUAS.cZa is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, OraiUAS.cZa is a suppressor of abnormal flight phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of abnormal flight phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
Ilp2GD15756, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of abnormal stress response phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, bskK53R.UAS
14-3-3εUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of abnormal body size phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, foxoUAS.Tag:FLAG
Ilp2UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a non-suppressor of decreased body size | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, flzGD1886
sNPF-RUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a non-suppressor of decreased body size phenotype of Ilp2GD15756, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
sNPF-RUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a non-suppressor of decreased body size phenotype of Ilp1GD2398, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has wing phenotype, suppressible | heat sensitive by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, rprUAS.C has follicle cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Ilp2hs.PR
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Hsap\TBC1D7UAS.cRa is a suppressor of ommatidium | cell non-autonomous phenotype of TBC1d7KO
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Hsap\TBC1D7UAS.cRa is a suppressor | partially of wing phenotype of TBC1d7KO
StimUAS.cAa, Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, OraiUAS.cZa is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
StimUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Dop2RUAS.cDa partially rescues Dop2RattP
TBC1d7UAS.cRa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR partially rescues TBC1d7KO
TBC1d7125Q.UAS/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR partially rescues TBC1d7KO
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprug3/Itprka1091
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprwc703/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprsv35/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, Scer\GAL4Ddc.PL, ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprsv35/Itprug3
Nrg167.UAS/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue Nrg849
Nrg180.I.UAS/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue Nrg849
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Kdm5UASp.cSa fails to rescue Kdm5140
dyscUAS.long/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue dyscs168/dyscc03838
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR, incf00285 fails to rescue incf00285
ERRUAS.cTa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue ERR2/ERR1
Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR/Ns3UAS.Venus fails to rescue Ns3G0431
homerUAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue homerR102
Nf1UAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4Ilp2.PR fails to rescue Nf1unspecified