The P{SUPor-P}mus201KG01051 insertion maps within a dicistronic processed transcript that encodes two non-overlapping open reading frames (Chrac-14 and mus201).
Chrac-14KG01051 mutant flies are viable and fertile, and do not show any obvious developmental defects.
After γ irradiation, Chrac-14KG01051 flies are unable to hatch, and virtually all flies display major developmental defects, including wing deformation and tumor formation. Most irradiated Chrac-14KG01051 mutant flies are unable to balance their bodies or fly and die within 24 hours of irradiation treatment.
Brains from irradiated Chrac-14KG01051 mutant larvae exhibit a failure to arrest damaged cells before entering mitosis, resulting in more cells undergoing mitosis, despite damage from irradiation, compared to controls. Anaphase figures in irradiated Chrac-14KG01051 mutant tissues sugget that cells do not arrest in G2/M but actually proceed through mitosis and therefore do not have a functional G2/M checkpoint. Whereas control cells display a G2-M arrest, Chrac-14KG01051 mutant cells show an almost normal cell-cycle profile with only slightly higher G2-M counts and a normal number of cells in S-phase after irradiation.