A 2.5 kb portion of the Fmr1 gene, encoding exons 2,3 and 4, and including the translational start codon and the first 59 codons, has been deleted by imprecise excision of the P{EP} element from Fmr1EP3422.
A 2.5kb portion of the Fmr1 gene, encoding exons 2, 3, and 4, and including the translational start codon and the first 59 codons, has been deleted by imprecise excision of the P{EP} element from Fmr1EP3422; position of mutation on reference sequence inferred by FlyBase curator based on author statement.
abnormal memory (with Fmr13)
ventral adult lateral neuron & commissure
Fmr1B55/Fmr1Δ113M transheterozygotes present severe decreases in smell perception in both attraction and aversion olfactory assays, as compared to controls. Fmr1B55/Fmr1Δ113M transheterozygotes also exhibit the following defects in olfactory lobe glomeruli activity (detected by calcium imaging experiments), despite lacking any obvious morphological defects in the glomeruli or in the associated projection neurons, as compared to controls: a significant decrease in inhibitory odor response and a reciprocal significant increase in excitatory odor response (namely to weak excitatory stimuli), a decreased specificity in odor encoding as shown by significant decreases in both Cosine and Euclidean distances between odor pairs, a broader response profile to odors, shown by a significant decrease in lifetime and population sparseness, a significant decrease in the probability of response to background, a significant increase in the correlation between glomerular odor response profile and physical distance between glomeruli in antennal lobes, and a significant decrease in odor mixture-related lateral suppression and reciprocal increase in odor mixture-related lateral excitation of glomeruli.
Homozygous Fmr1B55 mutant flies exhibit normal short-term habituation (STH) when flies are exposed to either ethyl butyrate (EB) or CO[[2]]] for 30 minutes. In contrast, Fmr1B55 mutant flies exhibit a complete block of the long-term habituation (LTH) that is normally seen when flies are exposed to either ethyl butyrate (EB) or CO[[2]]] for 4 days.
At day 5 post-eclosion, Fmr1B55 mutant brains retain midline PDF tritocerebral (PDF-TRI) neurons that are not present in age-matched wild-type.
Fmr1B55/Fmr1B55 mutant adults display lower locomotor activity, a greater frequency of stopping for long lengths of time, greater frequency of erratic short bouts of activity, as compared to wild type. Fmr1B55/Fmr1B55 mutant larvae spend less time crawling than wild type. Fmr1B55/Fmr1B55 mutant adults tend to spend significantly less time in close physical proximity to other Fmr1B55/Fmr1B55 mutants than they do to wild type flies, or than wild type flies do to other wild type flies.
Fmr1B55/+ mutants do not display any defects memory 1 day after either spaced or massed training, or 4 days after spaced training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning context, nor any defects in sensorimotor responses (shock reactivity, octanol avoidance, and methylcyclohexanol avoidance) as compared to wild type.
Fmr1B155 mutants respond normally to odors and foot shock.
Homozygous Fmr1B155 or Fmr13/Fmr1B155 transheterozygous mutants show significant defects in 1-d memory after spaced training, but not after massed training.
Homozygous Fmr1B155 or Fmr13/Fmr1B155 transheterozygous mutants exhibit significant defects in olfactory learning and a β-lobe midline crossing defect.
At relatively low concentrations of cycloheximide or puromycin, 1-d memory after spaced training is significantly ameliorated in Fmr1B155 mutants (and unaffected in wild-type), while there are no effects on 1-d memory after massed training. There is also a significant improvement in Long-Term Memory with the addition of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist MPEP to Fmr1B155 mutants.
An ectopic collateral branch is observed on the small LNv projections in 12.5% of Fmr1Δ113M adult brains. The posterior tract of the LNv neurons shows a defasciculation phenotype in 58% of brains.
Homozygotes survive to adulthood with no discernible defects in morphology. Under 24hr Light:Dark (LD) cycles mutants behave as wild-type. However behaviour in constant darkness (DD) conditions was arrhythmic. Mutants lose rhythmicity within a couple of days after transfer to DD. 86% of mutants exhibit arrhythmicity for 15 days, though the remainder of flies appear to have a wild-type rhythmicity. Fmr1A population of Fmr1B155 flies emerge from their pupal cases in a circadian-gated manner, as seen in wild-type.
Fmr1B55 has abnormal memory phenotype, enhanceable by AGO1k08121/AGO1[+]
Fmr1B55 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(2;2)C619/+
Fmr1B55 has abnormal memory | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Drep2ex13/Drep2ex13
Fmr1B55 has abnormal learning | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Drep2ex13/Drep2ex13
Fmr1B55/Fmr1[+] is a suppressor of abnormal memory | recessive phenotype of Drep2ex13
Fmr1B55/Fmr1[+] is a suppressor of abnormal learning | recessive phenotype of Drep2ex13
Fmr1B55/Fmr1[+], cherEPSΔ5 has abnormal memory phenotype
Fmr1B55/Fmr1[+], cherjoy has abnormal memory phenotype
Fmr1B55 has ventral adult lateral neuron & commissure phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(2;2)C619/+
Dp(2;2)C619/+, Fmr1B55 has LNv neuron phenotype
cherjoy/+; Fmr1B55/+ or cherEPSΔ5/+; Fmr1B55/+ double heterozygotes display defective memory 1 day and 4 days after spaced training, but not 1 day after massed training in a Pavlovian olfactory learning context, but do not display any defects in sensorimotor responses (shock reactivity, octanol avoidance, and methylcyclohexanol avoidance) as compared to wild type.
At relatively low concentrations of cycloheximide or puromycin, 1-d memory after spaced training is significantly ameliorated in AGO1k08121/+; Fmr1B155/+ mutants (and unaffected in wild-type).
29% of Fmr1B155/+; Dp(2;2)C619/+ double heterozygote brains show an ectopic collateral branch on the small LNv projections, while this phenotype is not seen in either single heterozygote. The posterior tract defasciculation phenotype phenotype is enhanced to an 85% penetrance in Fmr1B155/+; Dp(2;2)C619/+ brains; the extent of defasciculation is greater in the double mutants and runs the entire length of the commissure.