axon & photoreceptor cell R1 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R2 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R3 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R4 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R5 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R6 | somatic clone
axon & photoreceptor cell R8 | somatic clone
Third larval instar animals with jebSH0422 clones in the eye disc show normal R cell axon targeting. Adults that contain jebSH0422 clones in the eye exhibit strong R cell projection defects. R8 axons frequently extend to the M6 layer, fail to enter the medulla or fasciculate with R8 axons in neighbouring columns. Analysis of jebSH0422 mosaics at pupal stages shows that the R cell projection errors begin in the medulla at around 55 hours APF.
jebSH0422 clones in lamina target neurons do not affect the projection of R cells.
The size, shape and array of lamina cartridges are irregular in adults that lack jeb function due to jebSH0422 clones in the eye. These lamina cartridges contain either less or more than the wild-type R cell profile. Extensions of R1-R6 axons projecting from individual ommatidia appear irregular and shortened; some R1-R6 axons appear not to defasciculate and other growth cones extend at shorter distances.
jebSH0422 is rescued by jebUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
R cell projection defects in flies carrying jebSH0422 clones in the eye are rescued by expression of jebScer\UAS.cPa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF.