P{SUPor-P} insertion in the third intron of exo70. The insertion is also 90bp upstream of the predicted start codon of mtrm (mtrm is nested within the third intron of exo70).
Exo70KG08051, mtrmKG08051 has female sterile phenotype
Exo70KG08051, mtrmKG08051 has female sterile | recessive phenotype
The chromosome carrying P{SUPor-P}exo70KG08051 (which causes the exo70KG08051 and mtrmKG08051 alleles) shows recessive female sterility.
Precise excision of the P{SUPor-P} element reverts the high levels of nondisjunction and the recessive female sterility caused by the P{SUPor-P}exo70KG08051 insertion.