Amino acid replacement: Q457term.
FlyBase curator comment: Authors state lesion to be 'Amino acid replacement: Q436K'. However see McKim, 2005.6.16, personal communication to FlyBase for subsequent correction of this.
Q457term | c(2)M-PA
oocyte (with c(2)MEP2115)
Oocytes of c(2)MEP2115/c(2)MZ0810 transheterozygous mutants display defects in synaptonemal complex assembly, while the centromere clustering and sister chromatid cohesion (assessed by number of cid foci) in pachytene oocytes is not affected.
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MZ0810 female meioses exhibit reduced crossing over along the X chromosome.
Homozygotes exhibit a high rate on non-disjunction (19.8% X chromosome non-disjunction) and a reduced number of crossovers, with the number of crossovers per physical distance diminishing as the region approaches the centromere. Sister chromatid nondisjunction is seen in the offspring of homozygous c(2)MZ0810 mothers at a frequency of 3.1% (10.5% of all non-disjunction events) when crossed with an X chromosome balancer, 1.5% (7.6%) respectively when not crossed with a balancer.
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MZ0810 is an enhancer of abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype of okr782
c(2)MZ0810 is a non-suppressor of sterile phenotype of okrWS
c(2)MZ0810, c(3)G68 has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is a suppressor of oocyte phenotype of Nipped-BGL00574
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is a suppressor of synaptonemal complex | female | adult stage phenotype of Nipped-BGL00574
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is a non-suppressor of oocyte phenotype of SA1GL00534
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is a non-suppressor of synaptonemal complex | female | adult stage phenotype of SA1GL00534
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115, ord5/ord10 has oocyte phenotype
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115, ord5/ord10 has chromosome | female | adult stage phenotype
Df(3L)ED4470/sunn167-109, c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 has ovary phenotype
Df(3L)ED4470/sunn167-109, c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 has synaptonemal complex | female | adult stage phenotype
Combination with c(2)MEP2115/c(2)MZ0810 in transheterozygous state cannot suppress the decrease in average number of c(3)G-positive patches in oocytes between regions 2a and 3 of the germarium observed in flies expressing SAGL00534 under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16 but it does ameliorate the reduction in patches number observed in flies expressing Nipped-BGL00574.
sunn167-109/Df(3L)ED4470;c(2)MEP2115/c(2)MZ0810 double mutant flies do not show any evidence of synaptonemal complex assembly in oocytes.
c(2)MEP2115/c(2)MZ0810,ord5/ord10 double mutants show defects in centromere clustering and sister chromatid cohesion (assessed by number of cid foci) in pachytene oocytes relative to controls.
okr782/okr782, c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MZ0810 double mutant female meioses exhibit reduced crossover frequency along most of the X chromosome, but significantly higher crossover frequency near the centromere, as compared to either single mutant.
c(3)G68; c(2)MZ0810 double mutant females exhibit crossovers at a higher than expected frequency.
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is partially rescued by c(2)MUASp.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4hs.PB
c(2)MZ0810/c(2)MEP2115 is not rescued by c(2)MUASp.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4VP16.bam
A 1hr heat-shock induced pulse of expression of c(2)MScer\UAS.P\T.T:Ivir\HA1 (controlled by Scer\GAL4hs.PB) partially reduced the chromosome nondisjunction frequency in the eggs laid 7-10 days after the heat-shock (these would have been in the germarium at the time of the heat-shock), Scer\GAL4bam.T:Hsim\VP16-driven expression of c(2)MScer\UAS.P\T.T:Ivir\HA1 fails to rescue the nondisjunction phenotype, in contrast to expression driven by Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16 which results in full rescue.
Phenotypic analysis (non-disjunction) provides an allelic series: c(2)MEP2115 > c(2)MZ0810 > c(2)MZ3780.
"Amino acid replacement: Q457@." was stated as revision.