Carries a P-element 53bp upstream of the Rack1 translational start site.
FlyBase curator comment: Interactions with Dg[086] and/or Dg[323] were detected in a Dg[086]/+ or Dg[323]/+ background which exhibits no obvious changes in muscle morphology. Nonetheless, these interactions have been captured as 'modifier' ('exacerbates') annotations here to best capture the experimental finding and the authors' intention.
Rack1EY00128/+ mutant flies exhibit temperature-induced mobility defects.
Rack1EY00128 mutant germline clones show oocyte mislocalisation.
Although Rack1EE/Rack1EY00128 mutants show larval lethality, up to 35% of animals are escapers. Females at 3 days posteclosion contain ovaries that are reduced in size but have no gross morphological defects. At 7 days, the ovarioles are crowded with small, but mature, stage 14 eggs. Rack1EE/Rack1EY00128 germaria have reduced numbers of germline stem cells but these are never missing completely. The number of germ-line derived cells in the egg chambers of these mutants does not seem affected. Oogenesis can proceed relatively normally to stage 14, but the resulting eggs are not laid and accumulate in the ovariole.
Rack1EY00128/Df(2L)RACK1-mts and Rack1EY00128/Rack11.8 escapers display a range of phenotypes including sluggish movement, difficulty in exiting the pupal case, cuticle that does not harden, and wings that are blistered, abnormally small, or that fail to unfold. Escaper females are incapable of laying eggs and the size of the ovary is reduced compared to wild type but overall body size is unaffected.
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is a suppressor of chemical sensitive | adult stage phenotype of Otud6C183A
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is a suppressor of increased mortality | adult stage phenotype of Otud6C183A
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is an enhancer of posterior crossvein phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is a non-enhancer of indirect flight muscle cell phenotype of DysRNAi.NH2.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Rack1[+]/Rack1EY00128 is a non-enhancer of indirect flight muscle cell phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Df(3R)Exel6184/+, Rack1EY00128 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype
Dg[+]/Dg323, Rack1EY00128 has indirect flight muscle cell phenotype
Rack1 Dys double heterozygous flies (Rack1EY00128/Df(3R)Exel6184) exhibit indirect flight muscle degeneration.
Rack1EY00128 DgO86 double heterozygous flies do not exhibit indirect flight muscle degeneration.
One copy of Rack1EY00128 does not enhance the indirect flight muscle degeneration seen when DysdsRNA.NH2.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU.
One copy of Rack1EY00128 does not enhance the indirect flight muscle degeneration seen when DgdsRNA.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU.
Rack1EY00128 Dg323 double heterozygous flies exhibit indirect flight muscle degeneration.
One copy of Rack1EY00128 enhances the posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DgdsRNA.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU.