Drives expression in cells of the eye disc posterior to the morphogenetic furrow, including eye photoreceptor cells.
eye, with X11LPI+C.UAS
eye, with X11LUAS.cMa
eye disc, with X11LUAS.cMa
ommatidium | adult stage, with pkKK109294, pksple-1
retina | adult stage, with DbctKK102355
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has decreased size | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has increased cell death | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Otud6C183A/Otud6[+]
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Otud6KK105705, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has visible phenotype, enhanceable by armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has increased cell death phenotype, enhanceable by armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk) has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk) has increased cell death phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ARQ52.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has visible phenotype, suppressible | drug conditional | partially by DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of decreased size | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of increased cell death | larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Otud6KK105705, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of increased cell death phenotype of Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk)
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of increased cell death phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk)
Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor of visible phenotype of grimGMR.PA
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor of visible phenotype of rprGMR.PA
DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor | drug conditional | partially of visible phenotype of Hsap\ARQ52.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-suppressor of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of hidGMR.PA
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye photoreceptor cell | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye disc | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Otud6C183A/Otud6[+]
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Otud6KK105705, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk) has eye disc phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye phenotype, enhanceable by armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk) has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye disc phenotype, enhanceable by armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ARQ52.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY has eye phenotype, suppressible | drug conditional | partially by DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye photoreceptor cell | larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
SARS-CoV-2\nsp3UAS.cZa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye disc | larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Otud6KK105705, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye disc phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk)
armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk)
armΔN.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:Myr(Unk), Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is an enhancer of eye disc phenotype of Hsap\ESR1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor of eye phenotype of grimGMR.PA
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor of eye phenotype of rprGMR.PA
DnaJ-1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a suppressor | drug conditional | partially of eye phenotype of Hsap\ARQ52.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY
Otud6UAS.Tag:FLAG,Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PY, Zzzz\poly-GRPO-36.UAS
GlcTUAS.cKa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of hidGMR.PA
VangUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY partially rescues Vangstbm-6/VangA3
Hsap\ARAF-2.UAS/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY partially rescues Hsap\ARQ52AF-1.UAS
FakUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4GMR.PY fails to rescue FakCG1