Imprecise excision of the P{lArB} element, with one breakpoint in the element and the other downstream of the original insertion site.
Homozygous adults have normal gross external morphology. Homozygous females produce very few or no eggs; no females produce more than 10 eggs and the average number of progeny from females is 1.6 +/- 0.3. Those eggs that are laid have an overall percentage hatching rate that is comparable with controls. The ovaries of 3-4 day old mated homozygous females have 2 or 3 mature eggs per ovariole (wild-type ovaries have one mature egg per ovariole). The ovaries of 1 day old homozygous females have no detectable gross abnormalities in the nurse cells, egg chambers, ring canals or overall morphology. Wild-type males mated to homozygous females have courtship indices higher than those of wild-type males mated to control females (70.6 +/- 5.3% vs 42.4 +/- 5%). The duration of copulation for the two types of cross is comparable. The rate of ovulation of homozygous females is dramatically lower than that of control females and eggs are never seen in the uterus of homozygous females.
Df(3R)6679, Oamb96 has female fertile phenotype