Insertion in the 5' UTR of armi.
microtubule organizing center & oocyte (with armi72.1)
Homozygous females produce eggs where 67% completely lack dorsal appendages (indicating strong dorsal/ventral patterning defects).
75% of progeny derived from homozygous males mated to wild-type females hatch. 67% of eggs derived from armi1 females lack dorsal appendages, while some of the eggs have wild-type or partially fused dorsal appendages.
armi72.1/armi1 has lethal | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by lokp6/lokp6
armi72.1/armi1 has dorsal appendage phenotype, non-suppressible by mei-W681/mei-W68k05603
The fused dorsal appendage phenotype of armi72.1/armi1 eggs is suppressed in lokp6; armi72.1/armi1 eggs with 92% of double mutants showing wild-type appendage morphology.
The mei-41D3 mutation partially suppresses the fused dorsal appendage phenotype of armi72.1/armi1 eggs; 56% of mei-41D3; armi72.1/armi1 eggs show wild-type appendage morphology.
The fused dorsal appendage phenotype of armi72.1/armi1 eggs is not suppressed in mei-W681/mei-W68k05603; armi72.1/armi1 eggs.
The microtubule-organizing center phenotype of armi72.1/armi1 oocytes is suppressed by the lokp6 mutation.
The microtubule-organizing center phenotype of armi72.1/armi1 oocytes is partially suppressed by the mei-41D3 mutation.
armi72.1/armi1 is rescued by Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR/armiUASp.EGFP
armi1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4nanos.PG/armiUASp.EGFP
armi72.1/armi1 is not rescued by armiUASp.EGFP/Scer\GAL4VP16.bam
Excision of the insertion can revert the mutant phenotype.