Amino acid replacement: D?N.
The D1347N mutation is within the conserved 'PTK' domain of the Alk protein.
Amino acid replacement: D1347N.
D1347N | Alk-PA; D1347N | Alk-PB
Site of nucleic acid difference inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change
The visceral mesoderm fails to fuse in stage 12 Alk10 mutant embryos and a number of mutant visceral mesoderm myoblasts migrate to the somatic mesoderm.
Alk10 has visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype, non-suppressible by Vrp1f06715
Alk10 has embryonic myoblast phenotype, non-suppressible by Vrp1f06715
Loss of Vrp1 through a Vrp1f06715 mutant background does not affect fusion in Alk10 mutants, as mutant cells of the visceral mesoderm are able to both migrate and fuse with cells of the somatic mesoderm.
Induced on: P{neoFRT}42D chromosome.
Selected as: a mutant that fails to complement the Df(2R)Alk-21 deficiency.