Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4Hml.Δ is a suppressor of embryonic/larval lymph gland phenotype of Scer\GAL4Hml.Δ, bip1NIG.7574R
Scer\GAL45015/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Cg.PA/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Ugt36A1.PK/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Cg.PA/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL45015/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Ugt36A1.PK/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Lsp2.PH/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4T110/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4T110/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Scer\GAL4Lsp2.PH/Adgf-AUAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue Dp(3;3)Karel
Expression of Adgf-AScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU completely rescues the mutant phenotype of Dp(3;3)Karel animals.
The lethality and melanotic tumour phenotypes of Dp(3;3)Karel homozygotes are fully rescued by expression of Adgf-AScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of one of Scer\GAL4e33C, Scer\GAL4Cg.PA or Scer\GAL4c564.
Expression of Adgf-AScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4e33C or Scer\GAL4c564 reduces the number of circulating hemocytes in Dp(3;3)Karel third instar larvae to normal levels. Expression of Adgf-AScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4Cg.PA also reduces the number of circulating hemocytes in Dp(3;3)Karel third instar larvae, but to a lesser extent.