Store '[Ca[2+]'] and SOCE in neurons heterozygous for olf186-FEY01467 are not significantly different from wild-type.
olf186-FEY01467 heterozygous mutants do not exhibit flight defects.
Larval neurons heterozygous for olf186-FEY01467 exhibit elevated levels of basal cytosolic Ca[2+].
Larval neurons heterozygous for olf186-FEY01467 in a Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 background exhibit elevated levels of basal cytosolic Ca[2+].
Introduction of a single copy of olf186-FEY01467 suppresses the cold-sensitive lethality found in Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 mutants at 17.5[o]C. The wing posture defect found in these mutants when grown at 25[o]C is also suppressed to a significant extent.
The presence of a single copy of olf186-FEY01467 in Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 mutants restores flight initiation in response to an air puff and suppresses hyperactivity of flight neuromuscular junctions.
A olf186-FEY01467 heterozygous background partially suppresses flight-related defects and reduced SOCE and '[Ca[2+]'][[ER]] arising from pan-neuronal expression of StimGD16187.
Ca-P60AKum170/olf186-FEY01467; Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 flies exhibit normal wings and normal levels of spontaneous electrical activity in DLM recordings. Flight ability is restored in a significant number of these triple mutant flies. This is in contrast to the complete loss of flight ability in Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 mutants and in olf186-FEY01467/+; Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 mutants. Approximately 50% of olf186-FEY01467/Ca-P60AKum170; Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 adults pass as 'fliers' in the cylinder drop test assay. Air-puff delivery elicited sustainable rhythmic flight patterns similar to wild-type in a high proportion of these flies.
The presence of olf186-FEY01467 in either olf186-FEY01467/+; Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 or olf186-FEY01467/Ca-P60AKum170; Itp-r83Aka1091/Itp-r83Aug3 organisms restored carbachol-stimulated Ca[2+] release to wild-type levels.