Heterozygous Sin1e03756 ameliorates the neoplasia seen in the btl::EgfrScer\UAS.T:λ\cI-DD, Pi3K92EScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC,T:Hsap\CAAX brain glioma model when in combination with Df(2R)BSC11.
Sin1e03756 mutant adults and larvae exhibit increased heat sensitivity, with absent or reduced mobility as compared to controls upon heat exposure at 37[o]C. In contrast to controls, Sin1e03756 mutant larvae fail to form stress granules in their hemocytes 2 hours after heat exposure, but stress granule formation in the brain appears unaffected.
Sin1e03756 mutants show a significantly smaller synapse at the larval neuromuscular junction compared to controls.
Sin1e03756 homozygous mutant third instar larvae show a mild but statistically significant increase in the proportion of dorsal midline ddaC dendrite length that is enclosed within the epidermis rather than attached to the ECM. Dendrite crossing is seen in these mutants, and the majority of these crossings are between enclosed dendrites and dendrites attached to the ECM and are thus non-contacting.
Homozygotes and Sin1e03756/Df(2R)BSC11 animals show a robust dendritic tiling defect in class IV dendrite arborization (da) neurons, with approximately 10% of dendritic branches crossing one another. In addition, the total number of dendrite branches is reduced to approximately 80% of wild type.
Single-cell dorsal class IV da neuron clones that are homozygous for Sin1e03756 (in a heterozygous background) show defects in dendritic tiling, with a significantly higher number of dendritic branches crossing one another compared to wild type.
The v'ada and vdaB dendrites often invade neighbouring dendritic fields in homozygous mutants, in contrast to what is seen in wild-type controls.
Sin1e03756/Df(2R)BSC11 mutant third instar larval brains display normal numbers of glia.
Sin1e03756 flies are normal in appearance and show a very modest delay of development.
Sin1e03756/Df(2R)BSC11 flies show a modest reduction in tissue growth (wing area is reduced) compared to controls.
Sin1e03756 has abnormal heat stress response | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by rictor305A
Sin1e03756 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by mewUAS.cMBa/mysUAS.cDa/Scer\GAL4ppk.PH
Sin1e03756 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by trcUAS.cUa/Scer\GAL4ppk.PG
Sin1e03756 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ppk.PG/trcUAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)
Sin1e03756 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by trcT449A.UAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)/Scer\GAL4ppk.PG
Df(2R)BSC11/Sin1e03756 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:PM(hKRAS), Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Df(2R)BSC11/Sin1e03756 is a suppressor of neoplasia | third instar larval stage phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:PM(hKRAS), Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of RhebUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Df(2R)Sema2b-C4, Sin1e03756 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, mTorΔP has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant phenotype
Sin1e03756, trc1/trc[+] has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, rictorΔ2 has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant phenotype
Sin1e03756 has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by mewUAS.cMBa/mysUAS.cDa/Scer\GAL4ppk.PH
Sin1e03756 has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC phenotype, suppressible | partially by trcUAS.cUa/Scer\GAL4ppk.PG
Sin1e03756 has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ppk.PG/trcUAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)
Sin1e03756 has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC phenotype, non-suppressible by trcT449A.UAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)/Scer\GAL4ppk.PG
Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction phenotype of RhebUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Df(2R)BSC11/Sin1e03756 is a suppressor of glial cell | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:PM(hKRAS), Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Df(2R)BSC11/Sin1e03756 is a suppressor of larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype of Pi3K92EUAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:PM(hKRAS), Scer\GAL4repo.PU, btl::Egfrλ.UAS
Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 is a non-suppressor of photoreceptor cell R7 phenotype of RhebUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 is a non-suppressor of photoreceptor cell R8 phenotype of RhebUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Df(2R)Sema2b-C4, Sin1e03756 has dendrite | third instar larval stage phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, mTorΔP has dendrite phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, rictorΔ2 has dendrite phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, rictorΔ2 has larval multidendritic class IV neuron phenotype
Sin1[+]/Sin1e03756, mTorΔP has larval dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC phenotype
Sin1e03756, trc1/trc[+] has dendrite phenotype
Sin1e03756, trc1/trc[+] has larval multidendritic class IV neuron phenotype
The level of non-contacting dendrite crossing in class IV dendrite arborizing larval neurons is significantly increased in Sin1e03756;Df(2R)Sema-2b-C4 double mutants compared to either Sin1e03756/+ or Df(2R)Sema-2b-C4/+ heterozygotes.
Sin1e03756, rictor305A double mutants exhibit a similar level of heat sensitivity as observed in Sin1e03756 single mutants.
The axon guidance phenotypes of RhebScer\UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu flies are not significantly rescued in a Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 background.
The RhebScer\UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu synapse overgrowth phenotype is significantly rescued in a Sin1e03756/Sin1e03756 background.
Co-expression of mysScer\UAS.cDa and mewScer\UAS.cMBa under the control of Scer\GAL4ppk.PH rescues the increase in epidermally enclosed dendrites seen in the dorsal midline of Sin1e03756 mutants. The dendritic crossing seen in Sin1e03756 mutants is also largely rescued. The dendritic crossings that remain in the rescue flies are between two ECM attached dendrite, thus they are making contact. No dendritic crossing is seen between dendrites on the v'ada\vdaB neuron interface. However the few that are seen are rescued by overexpression of mys and mew.
rictorΔ2/+ ; Sin1e03756/+ double heterozygotes have a dendritic tiling defect in class IV dendrite arborization (da) neurons, with a significantly higher number of dendritic branches crossing one another compared to wild type (neither single heterozygote shows this phenotype).
rictorΔ2 ; Sin1e03756 double homozygotes show dendritic tiling defects in class IV da neurons that are indistinguishable from the single homozygotes.
The dendritic branches of ddaC neurons in TorΔP/+ ; Sin1e03756/+ double heterozygous larvae show increased crossing over of each other, indicating a tiling defect.
Class IV da neurons of Sin1e03756/+ ; trc1/+ double heterozygous larvae show defects in dendritic tiling, with a significantly higher number of dendritic branches crossing one another compared to wild type.
Expression of trcScer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4ppk.PG slightly reduces the dendritic tiling defects seen in ddaC neurons in Sin1e03756 animals.
Expression of trcScer\UAS.T:Myr1 under the control of Scer\GAL4ppk.PG significantly rescues the dendritic tiling defects seen in ddaC neurons in Sin1e03756 animals.
Expression of trcT449A.Scer\UAS.T:Myr1 under the control of Scer\GAL4ppk.PG does not rescue the dendritic tiling defects seen in ddaC neurons in Sin1e03756 animals.
Sin1e03756/Df(2R)BSC11 almost completely suppresses the glial neoplasia seen in third instar larvae when btl::EgfrScer\UAS.T:λ\cI-DD and Pi3K92EScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC,T:Hsap\CAAX are co-expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4repo.PU.
Sin1e03756 is rescued by Sin1UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4unspecified
Sin1e03756 is rescued by Sin1UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4ppk.PG
Class IV neuron-specific expression of Sin1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG largely rescues the dendritic phenotypes of single-cell Sin1e03756 class IV dendrite arborization neuron clones.
Expression of Sin1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG under the control of Scer\GAL4ppk.PG largely rescues the tiling defects seen in v'ada and vdaB neurons of Sin1e03756 mutants.