adult thorax (with scrib1)
chaeta (with scribjB709)
eye (with scribjB709)
wing disc | larval stage (with scrib673)
Only small homozygous clones are generally recovered in the adult eye. Symmetrical R3/R3 ommatidia are occasionally seen in these clones, as well as rotation and chirality defects in ommatidia. Rare, larger clones in the eye result in significant abnormalities in ommatidial architecture, with fused photoreceptors, malformed rhabdomeres and loss of photoreceptors.
Analysis of mosaic ommatidia indicates that when the precursor for photoreceptor cell R3 is wild type and the R4 precursor is mutant, 73% of the mosaic clusters have chirality defects (31.7% show inverted chirality and 41.3% are symmetrical), whereas when the R3 precursor is mutant and the R4 precursor is wild type, most of the mosaic ommatidia have normal chirality.
Homozygous clones in the wing results in planar cell polarity defects, apparent as "waves" and "whorls" of wing hair orientation. A multiple wing hair phenotype is also seen.
scrib1/scrib5 and scribjB709/scrib5 adults show defects in thorax closure.
Eb142S11, scrib1/scrib5 has partially lethal phenotype
l(2)gl27S3, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal | dominant phenotype
l(2)gl[+]/l(2)glE2S31, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
Df(2L)2.3-59S16/+, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
S(CycEJP)2.457S6, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal | dominant phenotype
S(CycEJP)2.459S3, scrib1/scrib5 has partially lethal phenotype
S(CycEJP)2.9E1S4, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal | dominant phenotype
S(CycEJP)2.925S11, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal | dominant phenotype
l(2)glE2S31, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal | dominant phenotype
S(CycE[JP])2.4[+]/S(CycEJP)2.457S6, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
S(CycE[JP])2.9[+]/S(CycEJP)2.925S11, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
S(CycEJP)2.9E1S4/S(CycE[JP])2.9[+], scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
l(2)gl[+]/l(2)gl27S3, scrib1/scrib5 has lethal phenotype
scrib5/scrib673 has wing disc | larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4ap-md544/α-CatUAS.Tag:MYC
scrib5/scrib673 has wing disc | larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by scrib::α-CatLRR.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4ap-md544
scrib5/scrib673 has wing disc | larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4ap-md544/wtsUAS.Tag:MYC
scrib5/scrib673 is rescued by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/scribUAS.cGa.Tag:MYC
scrib5/scrib673 is rescued by scribUAS.cGa.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4ap-md544
scrib5/scrib673 is not rescued by scribLRR.UAS.cGa.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4ap-md544
scrib5/scrib673 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4ap-md544/scribdLRR.UAS.cGa.Tag:MYC