Imprecise excision of the insertion in β4GalNAcTAEP2551, resulting in a deletion of 610bp in the β4GalNAcTA gene, which is predicted to delete the first 143 amino acids.
sarcomere & abdominal ventral longitudinal muscle 3 (with Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1)
sarcomere & abdominal ventral longitudinal muscle 4 (with Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1)
Homozygous third instar larvae display a reduced number of forward body-wall contractions compared to controls and the mutant larvae show frequent backward crawling. Forward crawling in the mutant larvae is often interrupted with pauses, backward contractions, head swinging and changes in direction.
β4GalNAcTA4.1/Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1 third instar larvae also show decreased forward and increased backward movement compared to controls.
The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of homozygous and β4GalNAcTA4.1/Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1 third instar larvae (the muscle 6 and 7 NMJ from segments 3 or 4 has been examined) is significantly shorter than that of controls and is less branched. The mutant NMJ also has fewer synaptic boutons than normal.
The amplitude of spontaneous mEJPs and evoked EJPs is not significantly different from wild type at the homozygous or β4GalNAcTA4.1/Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1 NMJ, although there is a significant reduction in the frequency of mEJPs in homozygous and β4GalNAcTA4.1/Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1 NMJs.
The length along the muscle 6/7 boundary is decreased and the combined width of these two muscles is increased in homozygous and β4GalNAcTA4.1/Df(2R)β4GalNAcTA20.1 mutants compared to controls. This is due to hypercontraction of the muscles, as the length of individual sarcomere units is decreased in the mutants.
Mutant flies are significantly more sluggish in a climbing assay that control flies and often fail to climb at all. Mutant flies take longer to right themselves after a fall in response to mechanical agitation than control flies.
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Pink1VDRC.cUa, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Pink1VDRC.cUa, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
β4GalNAcTBGT β4GalNAcTA4.1 double mutants are viable, fertile and morphologically normal. The double mutant flies show locomotor defects (reduced climbing ability and bang sensitivity) similar to those seen in β4GalNAcTA4.1 single mutants.
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is rescued by β4GalNAcTA+t2.4
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is rescued by β4GalNAcTA+t2.4
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4how-24B/β4GalNAcTAUAS.cIa
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is partially rescued by β4GalNAcTAUAS.cIa/Scer\GAL4B185
β4GalNAcTA4.1 is partially rescued by β4GalNAcTAUAS.cIa/Scer\GAL4elav.PLu