Sense-antisense transcription (driven by two convergent arrays of UAS regulatory sequences) of a 2kb fragment of baz (nucleotides 28506 to 30554 of genomic clone - GenBank:AE003504) results in double stranded RNA (dsRNA) expression.
Border cell migration is incomplete in 14% of stage 10 egg chambers from (bazScer\UAS.Sym bazScer\UAS.a.Sym)X2; Scer\GAL4slbo.2.6 flies. This increases to 33% in flies also heterozygous for baz4 and is also increased by the presence of Scer\GAL4upd in addition to Scer\GAL4slbo.2.6. The organisation of border cell clusters is abnormal in these flies.
Border cell migration is incomplete in 14% of stage 10 egg chambers from (bazdsRNA.Sym.Scer\UAS)X2; Scer\GAL4slbo.2.6 flies. This increases to 33% in flies also heterozygous for baz4 and is also increased by the presence of Scer\GAL4upd in addition to Scer\GAL4slbo.2.6. The organisation of border cell clusters is abnormal in these flies.
P{Sym-baz} contains baz sequences flanked on both sides by Scer\UAS regulatory sequences in opposite orientation (producing alleles bazScer\UAS.Sym and bazScer\UAS.a.Sym). Expression from both of these Scer\UAS sequences should result in both sense and antisense copies of the baz sequences, producing dsRNA which can cause RNAi (dsRNA interference).