Expression of GstS1UASp.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4VGlut-OK371 does not affect mitochondrial number or length in axons of adult neurons, compared to controls.
Scer\GAL4VGlut1-OK371/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage phenotype of gfzf541
GstS1UASp.cWa, Scer\GAL4elav-C155 is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(nec), Scer\GAL4elav-C155
GstS1UASp.cWa, Scer\GAL4elav-C155 is a suppressor of short lived phenotype of Hsap\APPArctic.UAS.Tag:SS(nec), Scer\GAL4elav-C155
GstS1UASp.cWa, Scer\GAL4ple.PF is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\SNCAUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4ple.PF
Scer\GAL4ple.PF/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of park25
Scer\GAL4how-24B/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of parkZ3678
Scer\GAL4how-24B/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of parkZ472
Scer\GAL4VGlut1-OK371/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of mitochondrion | somatic clone | adult stage phenotype of gfzf541
Scer\GAL4VGlut1-OK371/GstS1UASp.cWa is a suppressor of axon | somatic clone | adult stage phenotype of gfzf541
GstS1UASp.cWa, Scer\GAL4ple.PF is a suppressor of dopaminergic neuron phenotype of Hsap\SNCAUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4ple.PF
Overexpression of GstS1Scer\UAS.P\T.cWa, only in the dopaminergic (DA) neurons, through the regulation of Scer\GAL4ple.PF results in significant attenuation of the loss of DA neurons in 20-day old park25 mutants. Expression of GstS1Scer\UAS.P\T.cWa in the mesoderm, under the regulation of Scer\GAL4how-24B is sufficient to restore the climbing ability of parkZ472 and parkZ3678 mutants.
Overexpression of GstS1Scer\UAS.P\T.cWa partially suppresses the decreased survival phenotype of flies expressing Hsap\APPArctic.Scer\UAS.T:nec under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155.
Co-expression of GstS1Scer\UAS.P\T.cWa fully suppresses the neuronal loss observed in 2-day old flies expressing two copies of Hsap\SNCAScer\UAS.cTa under the control of two copies of Scer\GAL4ple.PF.