abnormal chemosensory behavior (with Orco1), with OrcoUAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4Or42b.PF
abnormal smell perception (with Orco1), with OrcoUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF
abnormal smell perception (with Orco1), with OrcoUAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF
Lateral horn neurons that normally express Scer\GAL4NP6099 show disinhibited odor responses in Orco2 mutant flies.
Orco1/Orco2 mutants are anosmic and do not display 'weathervaning' (modulation of direction in response to chemotaxis).
Expression of OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP in one olfactory sensory neuron, under the control of Scer\GAL4Or42b.PF and in an Orco1/Orco2, reduces the strength of 'weathervaning' in chemotaxis, compared to wild-type larvae with bilateral function. These larvae exhibit the reorientation bais observed in wild-type.
The social space index of mutant flies is not significantly different from wild-type controls.
Larvae with olfactory input restricted to a single unilateral Or42a-expressing olfactory receptor neuron (expressing OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF in a single olfactory receptor neuron in a Orco1/Orco2 background) navigate poorly and show tortuous paths in an assay to study the response to a stable gradient of the odour ethyl butyrate, failing to robustly orient towards the gradient.
Orco2/Df(3R)ED5156 flies show a defect in citronellal avoidance in a direct airborne repellent test (DART) assay.
As in wild type, Orco2 mutants exhibit a reduction in lifespan in response to live yeast.
In the dark in the presence of a virgin female, Or83b2 males scan for the female by spreading their wings and scanning in a zigzag course, as do wild-type males in this courtship assay. The courtship performance of the mutant males in the dark is normal.
Or83b2 males court with the same intensity as wild-type males in daylight.
Or83b2 males are clearly able to distinguish between decapitated males and females in daylight in a courtship assay.
Orco1/Orco2 mutant larvae direct turns towards and away from the peak of the gradient with equal probability in an assay to study the response to an exponential gradient of the odorant isoamyl acetate, in contrast to wild-type larvae, which direct more than 63% of turns towards the gradient.
Larvae with olfactory input restricted to the Or42a-expressing olfactory sensory neurons (expressing OrcoScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF in a Orco1/Orco2 background) are more sensitive to isoamyl acetate than wild-type animals in an assay to study the response to a radially symmetrical odour gradient, showing significant responses to the odour at source concentrations as low as 0.12M. Mutant and wild-type larvae navigate efficiently along the odorant line (from low to high odorant concentration) in an assay to study the response to an exponential odorant gradient, in response to either isoamyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, 2-hexenal or anisole.
Fully fed homozygous females show an increase in median life span compared to wild-type controls. Homozygous males also show an increase in life span compared to controls, although the magnitude of life extension is generally smaller than that seen in the homozygous female flies. Heterozygous flies show intermediate longevity compared to homozygous and wild-type controls.
Heterozygous females but not heterozygous males show a deficiency in attraction to live yeast paste.
Lifespan is further increased by dietary restriction in Or83b2 flies.
Or83b2 females show significantly lower egg production compared to controls from 24 to 48 hours after eclosion and higher levels of egg production compared to controls at 8 days and at 12 days after eclosion.
Or83b2 females are more resistant to hyperoxia than control flies.
Homozygous flies are starvation resistant compared to controls.
The average weight of homozygous males and females is similar to that of control flies and metabolic rate (as measured by CO2 production) is not decreased.
Homozygous flies show a normal level of activity during the first minute in an open field arena, but by the fifth minute, their activity is higher than that in wild-type flies.
Electroantennograms recorded in Or83b2 mutant antennae show no response to a range of odours that induce strong negative responses in controls. The odour-responsive neurons of the ab1 sensillum are all affected in Or83b2 mutants, as can be seen from electroantennograms in response to specific odours that evoke action potentials in these neurons in controls; Or83b2 ab1A fails to show odour-evoked action potentials to ethyl acetate, Or83b2 ab1B fails to respond to acetoin and ab1D fails to respond to methyl salicylate. However, Or83b2 ab1C responses to carbon dioxide are completely normal. Or83b2 adults show severely impaired responses to acetoin and are anosmic to 2-phenylethanol.
Orco2 has abnormal smell perception phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.Hsim\VP22/Or83cUAS.cRa
Orco2 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.Hsim\VP22/Or83cUAS.cRa
Orco2, PoxnΔM22-B5, PoxnΔPBs, PoxnΔXBs has abnormal courtship behavior | male phenotype
Orco2 has antennal intermediate sensillum ai2 phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.Hsim\VP22/Or83cUAS.cRa
Driving Or83cScer\UAS.cRa with Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.T:Hsim\VP22 restores farnesol sensitivity to ai2b neurons in Orco2 mutants.
PoxnΔXBs; PoxnΔM22-B5/PoxnΔM22-B5 PoxnΔPBs; Or83b2 males show virtually no courtship activities in the dark. Only 10% of these males initiate courtship with a long latency, and their courtship is limited to a few seconds of wing extension.
In daylight, PoxnΔXBs; PoxnΔM22-B5/PoxnΔM22-B5 PoxnΔPBs; Or83b2 males initiate courtship fairly reliably and rather quickly compared to control males. However, they show a strongly reduced courtship vigor index compared to controls.
A significantly reduced fraction of Or83b2 males initiate courtship towards decapitated females in the dark as compared to wild-type males. The latency of these Or83b2 males till courtship initiation towards decapitated females is prolonged compared to that of wild-type males, but is still significantly shorter than that towards decapitated males. The Or83b2 males court decapitated females and males vigorously, but are able to discriminate between the two sexes as effectively as wild-type control flies.
The fraction of PoxnΔXBs; PoxnΔM22-B5/PoxnΔM22-B5 PoxnΔPBs; Or83b2 males initiating courtship of decapitated animals in the dark is marginal, but those males that do initiate courtship court decapitated flies vigorously.
Orco2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.Hsim\VP22/OrcoUAS.EGFP
Orco2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.Hsim\VP22/OrcoUAS.cLa
Orco1/Orco2 larvae expressing OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF unilaterally in single olfactory sensory neuron on one side of the head are able to navigate up an exponential gradient of the odorant isoamyl acetate, although their paths meander more than Orco1/Orco2 larvae expressing OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Or42a.PF bilaterally in both Or42a-expressing olfactory sensory neurons. Unilaterally rescued animals in which the right olfactory sensory neuron is functional perform better than unilaterally rescued animals in which the left olfactory sensory neuron is functional.
Orco1/Orco2 larvae expressing OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Or1a.PF bilaterally in both Or1a-expressing olfactory sensory neurons detect an exponential methyl benzoate odorant gradient with sufficient accuracy to reach the peak zone of the gradient field in 60% of cases. Orco1/Orco2 larvae expressing OrcoScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Or1a.PF unilaterally in single olfactory sensory neuron on one side of the head have a low chemotaxis score in this assay and while larvae in which the right olfactory sensory neuron is functional show some rescue of chemotaxis compared to Orco1/Orco2 larvae, larvae in which the left olfactory sensory neuron is functional show no rescue of chemotactic behaviour.
Orco2/Df(3R)ED5156 but not homozygous Orco2 flies show a defect in citronellal avoidance, indicating that the Orco2 stock contains a suppressor of this phenotype.