UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of full-length nac coding sequence (from the RE40567 cDNA clone), mutated to carry the R125C amino acid replacement; this mutation is equivalent to the R147C mutation in Hsap\SLC35C1 that is associated with congenital disorder of glycosylation IIc (CDG IIc). The coding sequence is tagged at the C-terminal end with Tag:HA.
R125C | nac-PA
Analogous mutation in human SLC35C1 implicated in congenital disorder of glycosylation, type IIc; mutation carried on in vitro construct; site of nucleotide substitution in fly gene inferred by FlyBase curator based on reported amino acid change.
Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI/GfrR125C.UAS.Tag:HA fails to rescue GfrGfr-1