Nmdar1EP3511 mutants exhibit a significant reduction of acquired tolerance to ethanol vapor-induced sedation in chronic tolerance assays, and they show a trend towards reduced tolerance in acute tolerance assays, as compared to controls.
Mutant flies show defects in learning (memory measured immediately after conditioning) in an aversive olfactory conditioning assay. Short-term memory (assayed 1 hour after training) is also defective compared to controls. One-day memory after spaced training (long-term memory) is reduced compared to wild type, while one-day memory after massed training (anesthesia-resistant memory) is normal.
Nmdar1EP331 mutants exhibit reduced short-term and long-term memory. Extinction learning appears to be normal in these mutants.
Disruption of Nmdar1 through expression of Nmdar1EP331 under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PB does not result in a significant decrease in PI (preference index - with respect to light) in constant darkness conditions compared with control flies (indicating that phototaxis preference behaviour plasticity is inhibited by down-regulation of Nmdar1 during the critical period).
Nmdar1EP331/Scer\GAL4hs.PB flies reared in a normal light/dark cycle for 4 days at 18[o]C that are then treated with heat-shock and transferred to constant darkness exhibit no significant difference in PI (preference index - with respect to light) in constant darkness conditions compared with control flies.
Olfactory learning after Pavlovian conditioning is reduced in Nmdar1EP331 mutants compared to wild-type flies. However, sensorimotor responses to odors and foot shock stimuli are not affected. Expression of one copy of Nmdar1EP331 under the control of one copy of Scer\GAL4P26.hs, following heat shock, yields an antisense transcript of Nmdar1. This acute repression of Nmdar1 leads to a transient, severe disruption of olfactory learning. This acute repression also disrupts one day training after spaced training, while one day memory after massed training is normal, showing that long term memory is defective, but anesthesia-resistant memory is normal. Sensorimotor responses to odors and foot shock stimuli are not affected.
Nmdar1EP331 has abnormal memory phenotype, enhanceable by rut[+]/Adcy1rut-1
Nmdar1EP331 is an enhancer of abnormal memory phenotype of Adcy1rut-1
Nmdar1EP331/Nmdar1[+] is a suppressor | partially of short lived phenotype of mir-1000KO2/mir-1000KO1
Nmdar1EP331/Nmdar1[+] is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of mir-1000KO2/mir-1000KO1
The climbing defects of mir-1000KO1/mir-1000KO2 adults are rescued if they are also carrying Nmdar1EP331/+, and lifespan is increased (although not to control levels).
rut1/+; Nmdar1EP331/Nmdar1EP331 double mutants exhibit significantly lower performance in standard Pavlovian learning assays compared to either single mutant.
Nmdar1EP331 is rescued by Scer\GAL4elav.PU/Nmdar1UAS.cMa
Nmdar1EP331 is rescued by Scer\GAL4elav.PU/Nmdar1N631Q.UAS
Nmdar1EP331 is rescued by Nmdar1+tCosmidC
Nmdar1EP331 is rescued by Nmdar1+tCosmidB
Nmdar1EP331 is not rescued by Nmdar1tCosmidA
Expression of either Nmdar1Scer\UAS.cMa or Nmdar1N631Q.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PU rescues the learning defects seen in Nmdar1EP331 flies.