Drives mifepristone-inducible expression ubiquitously.
ScerGAL4Act5C.Switch.PR drives mifepristone-inducible expression ubiquitously.
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087 has abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype, suppressible | partially by Pi3K92EA2860C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087 has abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/chicoKK107581
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087 has abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype, suppressible | partially by InRDN.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Hsc70-4UAS.cEa is an enhancer of bang sensitive phenotype of Tpisgk-1
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Atg12RNAi.UAS is a non-enhancer of long lived phenotype of chico1
InRDN.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR is a suppressor | partially of abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype of Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087
Pi3K92EA2860C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR is a suppressor | partially of abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype of Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/chicoKK107581 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal courtship behavior | RU486 conditional phenotype of Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR, wakeGD12087
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/InRDN.UAS.cUa is a suppressor | partially of abnormal courtship behavior phenotype of Ecol\lexAVP16.Ilp2.PL, wakeRNAi.lexAop
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Atg5RNAi.UAS is a suppressor of long lived phenotype of chico1
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Hsap\NGLY1UAS.cGa is a suppressor of abnormal developmental rate | recessive phenotype of PnglPL
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Hsap\NGLY1UAS.cGa is a suppressor of decreased body size | recessive | adult stage phenotype of PnglPL
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Hsc70-4K71S.UAS is a suppressor of bang sensitive phenotype of Tpisgk-1
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/Atg12RNAi.UAS is a non-suppressor of long lived phenotype of chico1
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of increased cell number | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype of tkvQ253D.UAS.cNc
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of increased cell number | somatic clone | cell non-autonomous | third instar larval stage phenotype of tkvQ253D.UAS.cNc
Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(nec).cBa, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR has adult brain phenotype, suppressible | partially by NagluUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR
NagluUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR is a suppressor | partially of adult brain phenotype of Hsap\APPAβ42.UAS.Tag:SS(nec).cBa, Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of wing disc | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype of tkvQ253D.UAS.cNc
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of wing disc | somatic clone | cell non-autonomous | third instar larval stage phenotype of tkvQ253D.UAS.cNc
P{Act5C(-FRT)GAL4.Switch.PR}3 is reported as a stock (i.e.- germ-line transmitted), rather than just as somatic clones.
Scer\GAL4Act5C.Switch.PR was found to drive expression of responder transgenes even in the absence of RU486.