Amino acid replacement: P250S.
The P250S mutation is within the first 'TM' domain.
P250S | wls-PA; P250S | wls-PB
female sterile (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-ND382, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
female sterile (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-S180, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
male sterile (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-ND382, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
male sterile (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-S180, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
ovary (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-ND382, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
ovary (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-S180, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
testis (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-ND382, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
testis (with wls1), with Scer\GAL4wg-S180, wlsUAS.Tag:HA
wing margin | somatic clone (with wls1)
srt1/srt2 pharate adults (the stage at which these mutants die) exhibit rudimentary legs, lack arista and antennal segments and show wing-to-notum transformations.
srt1/srt2 mutant clones cause nicks at the margin of the wing blade.
Larvae produced from srt2 germline clones fertilized with srt2 mutant sperm display a segment polarity phenotype in which larvae have supernumerary ventral denticles in regions of the epidermis that are naked in wild-type larvae.
srt1/srt2 flies rescued by expression of srtScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4wg-ND382 or Scer\GAL4wg-S180 exhibit testicular and ovarian phenotypes as well as male and female sterility.
wls2/wls2 is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of wghs.2sev
wls2/wls2 is a suppressor of interommatidial bristle phenotype of wghs.2sev
wls2 is rescued by wlsαTub84B.PB
wls2/wls1 is partially rescued by wlsUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4wg-ND382
wls2/wls1 is partially rescued by wlsUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4wg-S180
Expression of srtScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1, under the control of either Scer\GAL4wg-ND382 or Scer\GAL4wg-S180, rescues >80% of srt1/srt2 mutants to be viable adults.
Selected as: a repressor of the rough eye phenotype caused by expression of the wghs.2sev transgene.