The element P{EPgy2}lazaEY04417 is inserted in the 5'untranslated region 309 base pairs upstream of the translation initiation site.
lazaEY04417 mutant eyes display aberrant phototransduction. Exposure of wild-type flies to light results in a corneal negative receptor potential, which decays to baseline after cessation of the light stimulus. The amplitude of the light response is reduced nearly 40% in lazaEY04417 flies. A reduction in the amplitude of the light response is also observed in lazaEY04417/Df(3L)ED230 flies. The decreased phototransduction response in lazaEY04417 flies is not age dependent.
lazaEY04417 is rescued by laza+t10.35
Expression of laza+t.10.35kb in a lazaEY04417 background rescues the phototransduction response.