visible | adult stage, with Scer\GAL4ey.PH
The expression of TctpdsRNA.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH induces a small eye phenotype; eye discs are small and show fewer columns of photoreceptor clusters than controls.
The expression of TctpdsRNA.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4AB1 induces a small third instar larval salivary gland, which presents more but smaller cells, with decreased cell growth (decreased endoreplication).
The expression of TctpdsRNA.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PU induces a mild small eye phenotype. Expression under the control of Scer\GAL4nub.PU induces a small wing, which can also be severely wrinkled.
The expression of TctpdsRNA.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU induces a small third instar larval wing disc posterior compartment.
G2/M arrest after gamma irradiation is compromised in the posterior compartment of the wing disc in animals expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU.
Expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH results in a small eye phenotype.
Expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH results in a reduction in eye size.
Expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4nub.PK results in a reduction in the size of the wing. This reduction in size is due to a decrease in both cell size and cell number.
Expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 reduces the distance between veins L3 and L4 in the wing.
Expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Act results in lethality around the third larval instar. Some of these larvae are able to survive to the pupal stage with reduced body size.
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has decreased size | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has decreased size | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Top2suo1/Top2[+]
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)PG4/+, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible phenotype, enhanceable by tefu[+]/tefuatm-6/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible phenotype, enhanceable by S6k[+]/S6kl-1
Scer\GAL4nub.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has decreased size | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4nub.PU/Top2UAS.cYa
Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ey.PH/Hsap\TPT1UAS.cHa
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\TPT1UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is an enhancer of decreased size | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PU is an enhancer of decreased size | adult stage | dominant phenotype of Top2suo1
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is a suppressor of visible | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4nub.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4nub.PU/Top2JF01300
Scer\GAL4ey.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye | female phenotype, enhanceable by Top2suo1/Top2[+]
Scer\GAL4ey.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Top2suo1/Top2[+]
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)PG4/+, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by tefu[+]/tefuatm-6/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye phenotype, enhanceable by S6k[+]/S6kl-1
Scer\GAL4ey.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye | male phenotype, non-enhanceable by Top2suo1/Top2[+]
Scer\GAL4nub.PU, TctpRNAi.UAS has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4nub.PU/Top2UAS.cYa
Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, TctpRNAi.UAS has first posterior wing cell phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ey.PH/Hsap\TPT1UAS.cHa
Scer\GAL4ey.PH, TctpRNAi.UAS has eye phenotype, suppressible by Hsap\TPT1UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, foxoUAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL4nub.PU/TctpRNAi.UAS is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4nub.PU, Top2JF01300
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PU is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Top2suo1
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is a suppressor of eye | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
TctpRNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH is a suppressor of adult head | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
The small eye phenotype caused by expression of TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH is enhanced if the flies are heterozygous for either Df(3R)PG4 or tefuatm-6.
The distance between wing veins L3 and L4 is smaller than normal in flies co-expressing InRScer\UAS.cHa and TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, resembling the phenotype seen in flies expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS alone under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1.
The distance between wing veins L3 and L4 is smaller than normal in flies co-expressing RhebScer\UAS.cSa and TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1, resembling the phenotype seen in flies expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS alone under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1.
The reduction in eye size seen in animals expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH is enhanced if they are also carrying S6kl-1/+.
Co-expression of Hsap\TPT1Scer\UAS.cHa suppresses the reduction in eye size seen in animals expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH.
Co-expression of Hsap\TPT1Scer\UAS.cHa suppresses the phenotype of a reduced distance between wing veins L3 and L4 which is seen in animals expressing TctpdsRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1.
TctpRNAi.UAS is rescued by TctpUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
TctpRNAi.UAS is partially rescued by TctpUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4AB1
TctpRNAi.UAS is not rescued by TctpE12V.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
dsRNA has been synthesised from the template and used to study the phenotypic consequences of dsRNA interference (RNAi) of the Tctp gene.