Amino acid replacement: Q1659term.
The mutation is predicted to produce a truncated protein, without the last 518 amino acids.
Q1659term | eys-PE; Q1659term | eys-PF
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
Mutant files do not show normal entrainment to temperature cycles but show normal synchronisation to light-dark cycles in assays studying locomotor rhythms. In temperature cycles, the mutant flies are mainly active during the warm phase, do not show the typical transients after transfer to a new temperature regime, and do not anticipate the temperature decrease.
eys395 mutants exhibit a loss of optical isolation of photoreceptor cells. Ultra-structural analysis shows that rhabdomeres and stalk membranes are in close contact in eys395 mutants and individual rhabdomeres are often fragmented. In some ommatidia of eys395 mutants, luminal spaces between stalk membranes are visible but appear devoid of the diffuse matrix seen in wild-type.