Amino acid replacement: Y882N.
Y882N | gfzf-PB; Y71N | gfzf-PD; Y882N | gfzf-PE
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
gfzfBX123 can suppress the lethal interaction between pn18a and transgenic awdKpn.cPa.
Based on the extent of suppression of pn18a-awdKpn.cPa lethality, the following gfzf alleles can be ranked from the strongest to the weakest as follows: gfzfSu(Kpn)2 > gfzfBU640 > gfzfDC727 > gfzfAP320 > gfzfCK438 > gfzfCZ811 > gfzfSu(Kpn)1 > gfzfAP434 > gfzfCX322 > gfzfBX123 > gfzfBW914 = gfzfAB621 > gfzfSu(Kpn)3 > gfzfBS304 > gfzfCU338 > gfzfDC806 = gfzfCL1027 > gfzfAV739 > gfzfAB924.