A T-to-A transition in the first intron of the coding region leads to a splicing defect and truncation of the protein after 38 amino acids.
Nucleotide substitution: T?A.
scramb1Δ38 mutants are viable and fertile and don't exhibit any developmental defects.
The immune competence of homozygous scramb1Δ38 mutants is similar to wild-type flies and not compromised (as measured by survival rates after infection with mixed microorganisms).
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype, suppressible by scramb1UAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Act.PU
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/scramb2UAS.GFP
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has increased rate of movement phenotype
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has abnormal neurophysiology phenotype
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has synaptic vesicle phenotype, suppressible by scramb1UAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Act.PU
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has presynaptic active zone phenotype, suppressible by scramb1UAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4Act.PU
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has synaptic vesicle phenotype
scramb1Δ38, scramb2Δ57 has presynaptic active zone phenotype
The immune competence of scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 trans-heterozygous mutants is similar to wild-type flies and not compromised (as measured by survival rates after infection with mixed microorganisms).
scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant flies appear visibly more active compared to either single mutants or control flies.
scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant larval neuromuscular junctions exhibit a significant increase in the number of synaptic vesicles and more vesicles docked at the active zone. The single mutants, on the other hand, do not show significant changes in the ultrastructure of neuromuscular junctions, except that there are more than one docked vesicle at the active zone of most of the type 1b boutons examined.
FM1-43 dye loading studies indicate an excess content of synaptic vesicles in scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant presynaptic terminals.
The time course of decline of FM1-4 fluorescence brightness is similar in scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant and control boutons, indicating similar properties of ECP exocytosis.
The rate of reserve pool recruitment of synaptic vesicles is markedly enhanced in scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant boutons, as indicated by a significantly faster rate of fluorescence brightness decline. The extent of fluorescence decline induced by a 5-min stimulation of the nerve at 0.5Hz in the double mutant is also significantly enhanced relative to control. These results reveal that reserve pool recruitment in double-mutant synapse is abnormally enhanced.
The extent of FM1-43 dye loading in scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutants can be rescued to control levels through the expression of scramb1Scer\UAS.cAa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.
Reserve pool recruitment of synaptic vesicles in scramb1Δ38/scramb2Δ57 double mutant larvae is rescued to control levels through the expression of scramb1Scer\UAS.cAa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.